Tourist Potentiality in the medians cities. Case of Andalusia


In the last years, regions of the interior of Andalusia have received a special leadership. New tendencies of tourist demand open possibilities to different types of tourism and these cities are creating their own tourism offer and complementary activity to “tourism of sun and beach”. Rural, nature and active tourism among others, are examples of this new  tendency. Cultural restlessness of traditional tourist and the search of traditional values, that new tourist demands, are the key for the development of the tourist activity in this type of cities. The main aim of this work is the establishment of recommendations to develop the tourism, depending on the individual potentiality of each “median city” of the interior of Andalusia and the set of them. But many times to have the tourist potential does not imply necessarily its development; to develop the tourist industry successfully is necessary to establish bows of collaboration among the public sector, private sector and the citizenship in general. However, not all the “medians cities” can obtain an important tourist development. It depends on the reach of the wished objectives of its regional policy with the lower cost of its public´s resources. For that we have elaborated a synthetic index of tourist potentiality for “medians cities” of the interior of Andalusia, besides we will study the present situation of the management of the tourism in these regions. This index    will serve as much as support to the decision making in tourist policy local level as the regional one.