Towards Mindful Consumption of Ethical Investment Funds: A Social Cognitive Theory


Ethical investment  funds  is considered to be the new wave in global investment behavior, especially with the increasing demand for shari’ah-compliant investment among Muslim and non-Muslim investors.  This paper attempts to extend the line of discussion through the development of conceptual model of  mindful consumption,  propagate by Sheth et al. (2011).     In particular, social cognitive theory and theory of planned behavior  is integrated within the concept of mindful consumption in explaining attitude towards ethical investment funds, with specific reference to  shari’ah-based investment.  More importantly, it is hoped that it may bring together knowledge of western centric ethical investment with that of shari’ah-compliant investment, that may potentially increase the size  of the   Islamic investment globally.  It is anticipated that by  incorporating  mindful consumption in this study, the reasons  towards consumption of ethical investment can be determined and subsequently, relevant strategies and policies can further be strengthened, specifically pertaining to Islamic investments
