Trailer Performance Measurement in Malaysia Haulage Industry


Despite high capital investment, a low-profit-margin haulage operators may benefit financially by implementing a proper performance measurement in utilizing the assets.  The implementation of right measurement for trailer management may also improve the visibility in the operation in term of tracking and trailer detention. This is exploratory study where the interview method of qualitative research is adopted by researcher to collect data. This study is inspired by the lack of study on haulage trailer management particularly in case of Malaysia .The results indicated that performance measurement are crucial tool to benchmark the business particularly in the haulage Industry. It is used to measure haulage operator achievement towards their organizational goals and objectives. It will report the haulage operator performance either is good or bad values. By having the performance measurement, the haulage operator is able to monitor the performance of their assets effectively. Based on the result, it is essential to have trailer performance measurement due favorable impact on the financial performance.