Training Professional Competence of Physical Culture and Sports Managers


An important requirement for the development of professional competence of managers in the field of physical culture and sports is, first of all, the pedagogical principles of its formation. The analysed scientific researches in the field of physical culture and sports reveal and substantiate the generalisations, specifics and certain subjectivism of each author, reflecting his/her philosophical position regarding the principles of forming the professional competence. The analysis of scientific works made it possible to distinguish the following groups of principles: basic, regulating the adaptive process of managers study in higher educational institutions (the principle of an adaptive function of teaching professional disciplines; the principle of individualisation of an adaptive development of a student personality when obtaining a sports manager profession; the principle of adaptive-guided learning; the training principle aimed at developing the professional competence of the future manager of physical culture and sports); key principles that facilitate the adaptation of these students to interpersonal, interactive, technology training (the principle of optimal combination of direct and indirect education; the principle of the priority use of methods and means of indirect interaction (student - content - teacher - student) in the context of personality-oriented adaptive learning; the principle of the determining role of self-adaptation; the principle of spiritual comfort in the conditions of open interaction among subjects of the educational process) and general didactic principles (scientific knowledge; systemicity; education; connection of learning process with the environment; reality; individualisation; activity; apparency), which regulate the educational process of an educational institution with the purpose to master disciplinary, interdisciplinary and general knowledge, skills and determine the abilities of professional managers in the field of sports to apply them in practice. It has been established that any of these principles becomes meaningful only in relation with others. A consistent and integral interaction of these principles at each stage of the learning process of future managers in the field of sports will guarantee the acquisition of professional competence, taking into account the needs of the labor market.