Transition Features To The Policentric Development Of The Region: Technique And Practice Of The Research


The article presents analysis results of the transition features to the polycentric development of the region. The issues of this process technique and practice have been considered. The analysis of the world research practice of the regional development polycentricity based on the theories of “growth poles”, “diffusion of innovations”, “center-peripheral” relationships have been presented. The approach of the various scientific fields researchers, namely human geographers, urbanists, experts in territorial planning, economists to address the problem of uneven regional development have been considered. Based on the analysis of the world experience in studying the features of territorial spatial development, we have been highlighted the prevailing assessment technique, such as: polycentricity level assessing, population polarization, “growth poles” evaluating, and the author’s assessment technique has been suggested based on the results of the integral influence function modeling (IIF-modeling) and information entropy assessment.