Transnationalization is the most important component and at the same time the main mechanism of the General processes of globalization. It seems to be the most essential element and one of the main circuits-regulators that ensure the unity of the functioning of the world economy. Through TNCs (Transnational corporations) and related transnational banks pass the financial and commodity flows that determine the development of the world economy. They are the leading factor of globalization of economy, placing separate parts and stages of reproduction processes on territories of different countries. Transnational corporations not only affect the economic, political and social state of society, but also act as a leading factor in world development, so the importance of TNCs in mergers and acquisitions is very difficult to overestimate. With broad financial and organizational capabilities, TNCs are the main participants in the market for mergers and acquisitions, but it is worth noting that TNCs have come a long way from a simple business combination to a deep integration of capital.