Trends and Correlations between Accommodation Capacity and Tourist Flows in the EU-28 Top 10 Tourist Destinations in the Period 2008-2017


The paper analyzed the trends and relationships between accommodation capacity (establishments and bed places) and nights spent by tourists in the EU-28 and its top 10 visited countries in the period 2008-2017, using fixed indices, regression equations, and correlation coefficients. The high tourist flow stimulated quantitative and qualitative changes in accommodation sector. The EU top 10 visited destinations keep 76.4 % of the accommodation units, of which hotels represent 30.7%, and short stay units 64 %. Italy is the leader in the accommodation units, and United Kingdom for the hotels number. The number of bed places increased, of which 43.8 % belong to hotels. France is the leader for bed places and Spain for bed places in hotels. The overnight stays increased by 30%, of which 62.7 % are in hotels. A strong and positive correlation (r>0.6) was found between  overnight stays and bed places, aspect which was attested by the regression equations as well. The variation in overnight stays is determined by the variation in bed places in a proportion which varies between 48 % in Germany and 89.5 % in France. Therefore, the growth of the EU inbound tourism is determined not only by the rich cultural heritage and natural resources, but also by the opportunities and high quality accommodation services. To keep its position of tourism leader, the EU and its top destinations have to continue to satisfy the best the visitors' expectations.