Trends Forming Policentric Model of Space Development and Implementation of the World Experience for Ukraine


The problem of the unevenness of spatial development is a characteristic feature of the modern world, and determines the emergence of many other problems of socio-economic development. The result of uneven spatial development is the formed field of centricity, which must be overcome to intensify and optimize the development of regions, countries as a whole. The problem requires the attention of many researchers, including public geographers, specialists in district planning and regional development. Comprehensive regional development is an important task for a territorial system of any level and complexity. However, during the evolution of territorial systems and their spatial transformation under the influence of synergistic effects, changes in the external environment, achieving polycentric regional development is rather difficult. The settlement system is one of the types of territorial systems, and in fact, the basis for the formation of a regional space, which can be divided into material, economic, social and cultural. So the system of resettlement, its state and features of the organization determine the possibilities of regional development of the territory. Resettlement systems are quite inertial entities, and the peculiarities of their organization depend on historical aspects of the development of the region, geographic conditions (terrain, climate, availability of water resources, ecological status of the territory, etc.), therefore, it is impossible to quickly reorganize them, but the development and implementation of a well-founded and well-balanced ecosystem and demographic policy is a prerequisite for the spatial socio-economic development of a particular territory.