Trends in Business Digitalization and how Covid-19 Pandemic Impacted them


The digitalization journey, getting closer to clients/ consumers, connecting the products and services and shortening innovation cycles are one of the main topics brought into discussion by companies’ management which demands for new concepts and innovations.

In this article, it is analyzed how companies re-shaped and included innovation in their business models, which are the main technology trends adopted by the FTSE 100 companies and how Covid-19 Pandemic impacted those trends.

It was found out that the companies adopted a positive approach towards digitalization, but the technology strategy still runs its original business model.

It was noted that the companies need to make efforts to reach out new digital capabilities in order to address the sustainability issues on a longer term. A long-term growth and welfare in Europe and US could be guaranteed only by new technology innovation. And Covid-19 Pandemic boosted the companies’ appetite for such digital solutions.
