Trends On The Plums Market in Romania in The Period 2012-2017


This paper highlights the main trends on the plum market both at national level and at the level of the development regions during 2012-2017. In this paper we have presented and analyzed the plum market specific indicators. The main statistical indicators that have been analyzed are: the area planted with plums at national level; the number of plums at national level and in the development regions of Romania; total plum production; average plum production per tree; average plum production per hectare; average price for plums; annual average plum consumption per capita; imports and exports of plums in Romania.

In 2017, Romania had a culture of 66,680 hectares of plums, which directly contributed to the substantial production, of which a large share was destined for alcoholic beverages. According to published statistical data, Romania, in 2017, ranked second worldwide in the production of plums. During the analysed period, there was a negative balance of the commercial balance for the plum category. As a conclusion, domestic plum production can assure consumption needs for the domestic market during the season, and on the other hand can provide raw material for the processing activity.