Understanding Fashion Buying Motivation for SME


This paper offers a concise view on the way in which the motivation of textile product consumers influences the activity of micro-enterprises and small and medium companies. Changes in behavior can bring benefits but also disadvantages to new entrepreneurs that are taking the first steps in building their own brand in the fashion industry. For these entrepreneurs motivation is a key factor in pushing consumers to buy clothing items, along with key-phrases such as "when do they decide to buy", "where do they prefer to buy" but also "how often do they buy". In an age that is characterized by spectacular speed, in which through a single click consumers can find a large amount of information that helps them choose their preferred clothing items. It can be easily observed that consumers are always connected to current findings in various fields and that they wish to gain more independence, becoming more aware of their environment, and of the way in which their actions affects society. For this reason SME’s must create the appropriate marketing strategies that can be adapted to new demands in the fashion industry.