“Unitary Analysis” on Public Policy Assessment


The field of public policy is an area of major interest for state authorities and for the public sector, being a very recent field, with a not very long history behind. Public policies have emerged as an individualized area since World War II, when governmental structures through their sphere of activity have been of particular importance. In this respect, Harold Lasswell is the one who first distinguished the field of public policies from the field of classical politics (H. Lasswell, 1951, p. 3-15), identifying the characteristics of the new field, among which we mention: Multidisciplinarity, orientation towards solving problems, normality (H. Lasswell, 1951, p.3-15). Also, beyond a theoretical definition, public policies are, in practice, more and more of a common interest at international level and also national level. Areas such as: social, environmental, agriculture, national security, customs, tax, etc. all require appropriate public policies to make a real and visible contribution to addressing public issues within them.