Universal Motives And Factors Of Functioning Of The Modern System Of Public Administration


Human rights and the requirements of sustainable development are considered as universal motives and factors of functioning of the modern system of public administration. In particular, the traditional democratic values and human rights in their dialectical interrelation is considered as a global meaning, without which public administration loses the prospect of being adequate to the demands and imperatives of the society in the development of public policies and global strategies. It is consistently held that the interaction of human rights and the priorities of sustainable development as a goal of governance will have a synergistic effect. The development and functional implementation of each individual component of the institutional complex will result in a synergistic effect of the implementation of others to the outmost of their functional capabilities. The study of certain aspects of the genesis of the conceptual positions of human rights in society and management has allowed to argue the role of institutionalization of human rights in their development. Human rights as mainstream of modernizing public administration, implemented in governance practice, can positively influence the understanding and formation of the principles and practices of sustainable development in a personal sense, which gains particular importance for the implementation of relevant strategies and policies at the regional level. In accordance with the needs of modern society, human rights and the requirements of sustainable development universalize the purpose of public administration and seek to generalize methodology, mechanisms and tools for achieving this goal.