Usage of Modern ICT in the Product/Component Distribution System


Today, in this globalisation, fake components are being aggressively pushed into the channel distribution irrespective of the industry. Illegitimate channel partners supplying counterfeit products can be anywhere in supply chain, from the supplier till the retailer. It is very difficult to target the channel partner supplying fake components if the chain is very large, as in some industries the channel partners can be more than thirty. As, the fake products are in high supply it is creating so many problems not only to the customers but to the manufacturer as well. Because, of fake products/components, the manufacturer has to undergo so many problems such as, loosing the valuable customer, loosing the brand image, loss of confidence in the sales team, incurring costs because of product recalls, as was in the case of Merck generics’ Vioxx and Sony Vaio’s batteries.

Hence, in order to counter the fake components it is very important for the industry to design a systematic strategy by using the modern ICT technologies, as the modern ICT provides promising feedback of the product from the customers, traces & tracks the products and finally updates the product’s information to the concerned manager.