Technology As a Tool for User Loyalty: A Systematic Review and Proposals for Future Research


Technology has come to deconstruct all processes known to man, implying that it is currently an indispensable tool in different organizations as part of their day-to-day work. The objective of this systematic review has been to determine what has been written in different scientific literatures about the use of technology for user loyalty, specifically, in the financial sector within the years 2018-2023. Likewise, the review was carried out with the PRISMA method, having as research bases the following: Scopus, ProQuest, Science Direct and Dialnet, from which 25 scientific articles were obtained, providing as a result that the banking sector has greater impact regarding the use of technology to build user loyalty, unlike other sectors within the financial system, additionally it was identified factors that complement loyalty using technology such as customer personalization, satisfaction, social networks, chatbots and data backup in the cloud. Finally, it is concluded that these tools have been positively established in the financial sector, providing opportunities for more optimal improvements for each type of customer, in addition to being adaptable according to market demands, which are changing and complex.