Illegal labour and illegal employment pose a serious problem in terms of labour relations and can have a negative impact on the company – the employer as well as the employee and at the same time on entrepreneurship and the whole society. This problematics is currently high on the agenda from the point of view of the Labour Code as well as from the standpoint of the theory and applied praxis. A trend of illegal labour and illegal employment has been lately often registered in Slovak companies, which has lead competent authorities towards adoption of legal measures aiming at more intensive searching on one hand and sanctioning of performance of illegal labour and illegal employment on the other. Most commonly illegal labour and illegal employment take place as a result of violating the so called notification duty towards Social Insurance Agency which led towards approval of a legislative amendment effective as of 1 January 2018. Another reason for illegal labour and illegal employment is the work of physical entities without establishing a labour relation according to the Labour Code and recently also illegal employment of foreigners has been registered.