Using Scorecards and Benchmarking in Management and Development of Cities and Regions


The topic of this paper is the practical application of selected strategic management, scorecard and benchmarking systems, in the field of public administration and especially in the development of municipalities and regions. The aim of the authors was to highlight the importance of applied strategic approach in municipalities and regions as one of the important topics in the sector over the past two decades. The authors reviewed the application of scorecards and benchmarking in real conditions of The Slovak Republic in period 2005 – 2016 that were framed and started by the reform of the public administration of the Slovak Republic (1995-2005). In this paper they present real cases and researches in 40 cities in total, representing 42% of the urban population of Slovakia. The paper provides ideas and inspiration for the development of modern management practice not only in local and regional self-government but in public administration in general, too.
