VBA as a Support Tool for ICT in Small and Medium-Sized Companies


Working for companies as an instructor, I am often asked questions about how existing solutions or computations of concrete tables in MS Excel could possibly be changed or modified. The existing solutions or methods of computation I have seen were often unnecessarily complex, complicated, and not enough flexible, especially when it comes to changing the input data. This complexity of computational algorithms is usually due to the fact that people are unaware of the entire range of possibilities MS Excel offers. As I have indicated earlier, the knowledge and skills of employees who use MS Excel in their job (hereinafter referred to as „referents“) vary from company to company. Based on internal research I have conducted while training referents in companies, I have reached the conclusion that about 95 % of them do not know about the possibilities MS Excel provides through VBA. In general, companies which provide regular training for their employees indirectly increase their competitiveness by increasing their employees´ productivity of work. Although may be quite understandable that a referent who has no experience with programming or algorithmization is unlikely  to create his own user functions, the employees should be aware of these possibilities and work together with the ICT department on fulfilling their requirements. Thus the goal of this article is to show yet another possibility of mass data processing which consists in the development and application of user VBA matrix function, and compare this function with the other possibilities available within the MS Excel environment.