Video-Based Waste Sorting’s Literacy to Increase Waste Sorting Behavior of “XYZ” University’s Students


Waste sorting behavior among “XYZ” University’s students has the urgency to be intervened. Results of the baseline study showed that students were not sorting waste properly. It caused the waste management to be ineffective. Using the theory of planned behavior as the theoretical framework, the author found that perceived behavioral control (PBC) was the significant predictor of waste sorting behavior. The author designed an intervention using a video, containing information (knowledge) about waste sorting, which was expected to increase student PBCs and encourage them to perform waste sorting behavior. It was contructed based on social influence theory and social modelling. The hypothesis was waste sorting literacy through video can improve waste sorting behavior of the student. The author used an experimental (between-subject) design and divided the participants into two groups (waste sorting literacy vs. control group) using randomization. Participants were undergraduate students from various faculties which recruited by spreading posters and prospective participants registered through an online application. Waste sorting behavior was measured by observing whether participants sorted or not sorted their waste during the intervention. The results showed that video-based waste sorting’s literacy significantly increased the accuracy of the waste sorting behavior of organic waste, but not with anorganic waste. Based on this finding, video-based waste sorting interventions can be adapted to increase waste sorting behavior in university context.
