Vocationally Active Students Facing the Need for Mentor Support


The aim of this paper is to determine whether people who continue their education and work at the same time show the need for support from a mentor, located in their current workplace (organization). A mentor is defined as an older and more experienced employee who, in a process of intensive interpersonal exchange, provides the protégé (mentee) with support, guidelines and feedback on professional and personal development plans. We conducted the survey in a group of 421 respondents using a survey questionnaire in 2019. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that only one in ten respondents felt the need for support from the mentor: men more often than women declared strong attitudes in this respect; in terms of generational differences, the greatest demand was indicated by representatives of Generation Y; differences in the declared level of demand were also revealed depending on the type of secondary school completed by the respondents.
