Ways to Improve Public Policy in the Area of Social Protection of the Police Officers in Ukraine


Comprehensive analysis of the content and organizational support of the public policy of social protection of the police officers in Ukraine showed considerable lack of regulations in certain areas related to the implementation, control, and monitoring of the procedure for providing social protection to the police officers.  Based on the results of the research, a conclusion was made about insufficient attention of public policy to this area, lack of a strategic vision for improving the situation, and insufficient awareness of the primary importance of social protection in the process of implementing public policy in this area for the formation of selfrespect among police officers and the image of the profession. In view of the above, we propose the following: a vision of a possible resolution of problematic issues by unifying approaches to providing social guarantees, removing the priority of subjective factors in the procedures for obtaining social guarantees by police officers, overcoming the corruption component, objectifying processes and achieving their transparency.