Web 2.0 and Wiki Farms in the Business Realm: A Proposal of New Platform for Small-Sized Companies


With the latest generation of Internet development, Web 2.0, the perception of “the Web of webs” has changed. The users are not only the passive “consumers” of the web content created for them, but they themselves are creators of the web pages content. The paper discusses the theoretical foundations for the creation of encyclopaedia. In particular, the wiki farm concept is defined and the advantages as well as disadvantages are mentioned. Employing the questionnaire survey, the opinions and experience with interactive web pages of the representatives of small-sized enterprises are revealed and examined. The final part of the paper includes the proposal of the wiki farm and related services based on the principle of Web 2.0 which might be employed and effectively utilised by wide range of companies. Each offered service contains detailed information, related services, images or visualisations and case studies linked to the particular service. The web content itself is generated consequently by users based on their knowledge and experience.
