Web applications security in the field of archiving


Web applications are well established tool for sharing information in all areas of human activity such as the field of interest of this paper which is Czech archiving. It is difficult to deal with the Czech legislation's demands for storing electronic data as evidenced by the recent demise of the project of the Central National Digital Archive supported by the European funds which is a howler of international importance and proof of how little is the Czech Archiving ready for the onset of digital data. Already existing decentralized networks of local public digital archives are mostly small innovative solutions on not only regional but also national level towards on-line access to at least digital copies of the original analogue archival documents. These solutions often arise in very humble circumstances without much of the state support and bring products in a variety of different levels of web applications. When developing these applications it is primarily necessary to comply with legislative requirements, whereof one area under the legislation are safety procedures. This article addresses web application security while dealing with SQL injection methods, automated tools SQLmap and GoogleHacking.