Weight Analysis of Servicescape Factors for Wellness and Quality of Life


According to recent data, the top 1% of owns half the world’s total wealth, and the top 10% owns 86%, which indicates the needs of customers with great purchasing power and many purchasing experiences constitute a huge part of the economy, leading the quality of life for people around the world. Moreover, due to increasing incomes and service experiences as well as media development, there has been greater emphasis on wellness and quality of life in society in general. The purpose of this study, then, is to explore in depth the factors related to wellness and quality of life (WQL). To this end, this study examines specific factors of the servicescape model by analyzing the weight of each factor as an empirical study of opinion leaders as samples. This study is significant in that it is a leading research differentiated from previous studies related to servicescape. The reason is that most previous servicescape-related studies were quantitative, analyzing customer satisfaction and repurchase actions but seeing the whole servicescape as a single service factor rather than classifying various factors of servicescape. The research findings will contribute to improving WQL by reorganizing the meaning of major factors per target customer to achieve customer satisfaction in future services.
