What Could Happen with Cities and Mining Regions during a Lifecycle of Extractive Industry? Evidence from Polish Hard Coal Mining


This article analyses the paths of transformation of mining cities and regions within the framework of a triad including (1) mining enterprise – micro perspective, (2) regional and (3) national governments – macro perspective, together with the socio-economic effects of choosing these paths. Considerations and research are conducted on the example of the Polish hard coal mining, which for many years remains one of the key industries in the Polish economy. The analysis covered a 15-year research period - 2003-2017.

There are three main paths of transforming post-mining cities and regions: (1) continuation of mining in the region, (2) gradual substitution of mining by other service or industrial branches and (3) development of post-industrial tourism. The design and implementation of a transformation strategy should take place many years before the liquidation phase of mining in a given region. This is clearly confirmed by observation of the effects of mining liquidation in the studied Polish cities of Górny Śląsk. Failure to use the transformation paths indicated above exposes cities and regions to a very severe deterioration of the socio-economic status and image. It is not possible to improve them in the short term without significant investment outlays.