What do Polish Students Think about the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Emergency to Switch to Online Learning?


The inspiration for the research on the opinions of Polish students on the 'emergency' transition to e-learning was the sudden need for universities to adopt a distance learning system. This alternative to traditional education - imposed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic - was to enable students to complete the educational activities they had undertaken. This situation had to be investigated in order to help university authorities diagnose the situation of Polish students, find out about the challenges they had to face, and learn about possible solutions to overcome potential obstacles. The conducted research analyses the specifics and general problems related to distance learning in the Polish higher education system. The research was conducted on a group of 2,339 students and covered the following research areas:

  • What challenges do students face when learning remotely?
  • How do they feel about online learning?
  • What equipment options and home conditions do they have?
  • Do they deem e-learning the future of studying?

The conclusions students will draw from online learning will have a huge impact on the society of the future and on the future of education itself. The current crisis will certainly initiate a new approach to the online education system. The author assumes that it will be an excellent form of supplementing the classes conducted on a stationary basis. By changing the model of conducting meetings with students, it will enable the improvement of educational processes, thus increasing the attractiveness and quality of teaching.
