Where Do Cut Flowers in Romania Come From


In the study it is presented an analysis of the international trade of Romania, with emphasis on trade of flowers. The paper is focused on the cut flowers with regard on the sector from point of view of the Romanian export destinations and the countries of origin for these products, during the 2002-2011 time period. We have found interesting to study this area, first because of the lack in the approaches on these particular agro-products and second because the Romanians are traditionally interested in using the cut flowers for a range of events and decorations. The analyze pointed out on dynamics of the trade flows, seasonality effects and forecasting two years, by means of a simulation model for the 2012-2013 period.  The conclusions of this study were that the value of exportations have as main characteristic a fluctuating and unstable evolution, combined with a relative increase after 2007, the year of the country accession in the EU. The volume of imports remains almost constant after 2005, while the value of importations has been growth fast; this means that we imported flowers, even if these ones become more expensive. Also, we have emphasized in the study the large number of the countries of origin; there are over 35 every year, of which the top 15 countries are mainly from Europe.