Woman in Workforce Potential in Romania


A fundamental feature of the global economy today is the increasing of globalization. It is characterized by tendency to reduce and eliminate the barriers between national economies and enhancing linkages between these economies. Globalization affect employment of labour resources in various countries, and a component of the overall strategy is to attract potential female employment in various economic and social activity. A basic principle, in developed democratic societies, is to ensure equal opportunities as regards access to education, training, employment, founding a family and participating to making decisions in political and public society. Status of women varied considerably, from one society to another and especially along history. Thus, in early human society there has been the so-called period of "matriarchy" in which women lead society, having probably, even then, inclinations to beautiful and spirituality. Men's role was to reproduce and perform various works. In time, the roles were reversed, switching to the "patriarchy", men reaching to position of leading society. In principle, the laws of various countries guarantee equal rights of citizens, to participate in economic and social life, to prepare for a particular profession, to engage, promote and benefit from social protection in certain circumstances. Women have an important participation in economic and social life in various countries.