Women Entrepreneurship & Development The Case of Egypt


Entrepreneurship is at the essence of development since it acts as a driving force for economic growth.  This as entrepreneurs are the ones who are likely to risk their exertions in terms of time, effort and money in order to organize all the available factors of production.  The process, as such not only creates a variety of goods and services but also generates numerous job opportunities that would not be available other wise.  Therefore, promoting entrepreneurship in developing countries posses the power to transform economies from their low-income primary status to a high income sophisticated one. This is while incrementally building wealth and pulling the less advantaged out of the poverty cycle. It’s important to note here that latterly women entrepreneurship has been given considerable recognition as a career possibility for women.  The importance of women entrepreneurship in enhancing and accelerating economic development has been acknowledged since the 1990s in numerous parts of the world.  Unfortunately, exertions of women entrepreneurs are still inhibited by numerous obstacles with gender disparity at the core.  The matter that deters their effective participation in entrepreneurial activities and hence in partaking in the development of their communities. This paper aims at portraying the essential role entrepreneurship plays in endorsing economic growth and development in developing countries, in general and Egypt, in specific. The paper also aims at shedding light on the importance of including women as valid partakers in all entrepreneurial realms in order to achieve the desired acceleration of the development process.