Work Allocation in Organizations: The Contribution of the Personality Assessment Frameworks in the Selection of Human Resources


People have different capabilities and exhibit distinct behaviours as a result of their former experiences, positions, attitudes and personalities. Nowadays, it is widely recognized that, during the execution of work in organizations, the intrinsic characteristics of people substantially affect their performance. In order to make the most of its human resources, organizations must allocate the work that has to be performed to the most suitable people which can execute it. In this paper, we argue that, to achieve maximum organizational performance, a continuous adjustment between the characteristics of the work to be done and the characteristics of the human resources that may do it must be systematically performed, selecting the most suitable candidates. In this context, the Personality Assessment Frameworks can have a very important role, allowing to classify people according to their intrinsic characteristics, thus giving organizations the means to select and allocate, at any moment, the most suitable people to the work that has to be accomplished.