Work Engagement Among Bank Employees In Nigeria: Measurement And Implications


Work engagement is a matter of interest to organizations because engaged employees are a necessity for attaining goals and objectives. This study was an enquiry into the state and level of work engagement of employees in deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study measured work engagement using the Job engagement Scale by Rich, LePine and Crawford (2010), and is based on work engagement as postulated by Khan (1990) using the dimensions of physical, emotional and cognitive engagement. Copies of Questionnaire were distributed to 438 respondents of five selected banks in Nigeria, and 353 copies were retrieved. The results indicated that employees of the selected banks were slightly engaged at the physical level with a mean score of 2.759, at the emotional level with a mean score of 2.545, and at the cognitive level with a mean score of 2.741. Study recommended that management of banks should bring in more resources in terms of people support, modern technology with fast internet connections, and training for employees to improve their level of work engagement.
