Workout Model for Combating Stress in Industry 4.0


In the current context of the Digitized Industry, also called the Smart era, it is increasingly common, as well as the acute problem, work-related stress, which over time generates a variety of health disorders, of which the most common are mental. Despite overwhelming evidence that many autoimmune diseases occur from lack of physical activity due to "sedentarism" generated by the position of employees in front of computers, most employees ignore these theories and continue their work under the given conditions, generating the phenomenon of apparent atrophy of certain skills. ability to respond promptly to all problem-solving responsibilities. The objective of the paper is that based on the analysis of the implications of the "Office Syndrome" (SB), related to the Smart era, which make the time dedicated to sports activities is reduced, to propose scientifically and experimentally a conceptual model that combines short breaks. , which employees can take during work, with very short workouts or dedicated sports exercises, which will solve the "numbness" established and generate a revitalizing flow of all the senses and skills of employees. The research focuses on the awareness that the acute lack of time to solve certain urgent actions, perceived by employees in the digital industry, can be counterbalanced by continuous improvement of fitness and physical endurance, which automatically revitalizes the ability to concentrate, stimulates creativity and work efficiency.