Youth Willingness and Challenges in Volunteerism


Volunteerism is a concept of helping or providing assistance to those in need without expecting any aid or material gains in return. Not only beneficial to the recipients, this noble pursuit will also present a positive impact on individual self-development especially among youth. As youth, students are encouraged to be actively involved in voluntary activities in order to train themselves with good soft skills. However, youth participation in volunteerism is said to be at an unsatisfactory level. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the students’ level of willingness to participate in voluntary activities and discuss the challenges faced by students in participating in the activities. The findings show that the students’ level of willingness to participate in voluntary activities was positively high and the level of the challenges faced were only moderate. In conclusion, it can be said that a clear understanding and recognition of the concept of volunteerism need be emphasized in order to produce more youth who have the spirit of volunteerism.