25-26 June 2025
Cordoba, Spain
Submission Deadline:
30 March 2025
U.S.A. Library of Congress:
ISBN: 979-8-9867719-6-0
ISSN: 2767-9640
- Welcome
- Call for Papers
- Conference Committee
- Conference Themes
- Accepted Papers
- Special Topics Sessions
- Investigación en Español
- Virtual Presentation
- Important Dates
- Registration
This major international conference will address a range of important themes with respect to all major business fields.
The conference will include numerous papers and workshop presentations by academics and researchers from around the globe. Conference participants are welcome to submit full papers, short papers, extended abstracts, paper drafts, or invited session proposals. Submitted papers will be fully refereed and published in electronic formats. Please refer to Call for Papers.
For those unable to attend the conference in person, virtual presentations are available. Virtual Presentations allow participants to submit papers for refereeing and publication in the conference proceedings. Virtual participants will receive a full copy of the conference proceedings and registration fee payment receipts (Invoices) via download.
We recommend that you send your paper at the earliest possible date to allow us to send the manuscript to reviewers and get reviews back in timely fashion. The review cycle time tends to increase if you submit your paper right on the deadline date due to the large number of submissions around deadlines.
Interested academics and practitioners are invited to submit:
Research papers: complete papers (5000 words max.) with complete references section.
Short papers / Abstracts: this could be research in progress, abstracts, ideas you would like to explore with audience at the conference, or draft of papers for possible co-authorship: (max. 5 pages or 2000 words)
IBIMA focuses on real-world business research. All papers will be directed to the appropriate theme and/or track. All accepted papers that are registered by author(s) will be published in the conference proceedings.
Virtual presentation is available if you are unable to attend conference activities in person.
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. It is IBIMA policy to make efforts to send complete papers to two reviewers for full blind peer review and to send a summary of review back to the author(s). If there is difficulty to receive reviewers’ reports, the paper will be reviewed by the conference chair and can issue a decision with or without sending review comments. Short papers/abstracts will be reviewed by a reviewer and/or the conference chair and can issue a decision with or without sending review comments. All review comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Submitted Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere
Conference proceedings will be published as an e-book on a USB (ISSN: 2767-9640).
*IBIMA reserves the right to accept or reject any research/short paper proposal/submission. Reasons for rejection include, but are not limited to: topics not fitting the conference program main theme or panel subjects, insufficient space on the conference program, failure to meet professional obligations in prior IBIMA conferences (e.g., not completing a paper, not delivering a paper on time, failure to appear for a scheduled slot), failure to register for the conference, unprofessional conduct, or any other reason.
Conference Committees
Conference Chair
Khalid S. Soliman, International Business Information Management Association, USA
Advisory Committee
Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Abraham G. van der Vyver, Monash University, South Africa
Amine Nehari Talet, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Mineral, KSA
Az-Eddine Bennani, Reims Management School, France
Emil Boasson, Central Michigan University, USA
John F. Affisco, Hofstra University, USA
Mohammad Ayub Khan (University of Monterrey, UDEM), Mexico
Rene Leveaux, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Susana de Juana Espinosa, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Sherif Kamel, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Silvius Stanciu, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Program Committee
(program committee member's name appears on this list only after reviewing at least one paper)
Simon Muwando, National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe
Vladimír Bolek, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
Feyza Ağlargöz, Anadolu University, Turkey
Tadeusz A. Grzeszczyk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Vita Zarina, EKA University of Applied Science, Latvia
Beata Bieńkowska, University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk, Ignatianum University in Cracow, Poland
Matea Matić Šošić, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Blaž Rodič, Faculty of Information Studies, Slovenia
Hugo González Aguilar, Universidad Autónoma del Perú, Perú
Joanna Dynowska, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
Anna Mazurkiewicz, University of Rzeszów, Poland
Agnieszka Sawińska, University of Szczecin, Poland
Magdalena Kąkol, Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univerity in Lublin, Poland
Agnieszka Szczudlińska-Kanoś, Jagiellonian University, Poland
The 45th IBIMA Conference: 25-26 June 2025, Cordoba, Spain revolves around important themes.
Business, Marketing, Management, and Human Resources Conference
- Hiring & Firing
- Recruitment
- International Strategic Alliances
- Globalization
- International Trade and Investment
- International Management Practices
- Multinational and Transnational Businesses
- International Business Strategy
- Measuring International Business Performance
- Innovation Clusters, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship
- Leveraging digital skills for Innovation in the Society
- Corporate and Social Entrepreneurship
- Women Entrepreneurs education and development
- Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
- Entrepreneurial Behavior in Large Organizations vs SME
- Benchmarking of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Best Practices
- High Tech Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation
- Strategic Integration between Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Marketing Philosophy
- The Role of Marketing in Strategic Planning
- Relationship Marketing
- Marketing in SME's
- Public Relations Strategies
- International Strategies
- The Development and Utilization of Marketing Plans
- Online Marketing
- Social Networks Marketing
- Marketing Effectiveness at the Operational and Strategic Levels
- Brand Management
- Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Niche and Specialty Tourism
- Culinary and cultural tourism
- Marketing Strategies in Tourism and Hospitality
- Public Administration and local Government role in Tourism Development
- competitiveness of tourism destination
- Positive and Negative impacts of Tourism
The following papers have been accepted for presentation in the 45th IBIMA Conference and for inclusion in the conference proceedings. The list has two categories: "Research papers" and "Short papers".
Research Papers
- Multidimensional Comparative Analysis of Human Population Changes in Japan in terms of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic Security
- The Influence of the Geopolitical Situation on the Growing Role of the Military Function on the Example of the Seaport of Ustka
- Comparative Analysis of Global Quality of Life Using the Human Development Index
- Students’ Satisfaction Impact on Academic Performance: Motivation, Confidence, and Psychological Capital in Higher Education
- Transforming Project and Financial Management with AI: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions
- Evaluatıon of Sustaınable Marketıng Lıterature wıth Bıometrıc Analysıs Method
- The Quality of Hotel Services in Sopot in the light of Online Reviews - An Analysis of Key Strengths and Weaknesses
- Concepts and Concepts of Employee Well-Being: Review and Attempt to Organise
- Outsourcing of Business Services in Poland
- Effect of Financial Literacy on Fintech Adoption in Nigeria
- Common Methodological Mistakes Made by Financial Controllers in International Companies and Their Potential Repercussions for Decision Making
- Identification of Key Factors Influencing the Assessment of Restaurants by Customers - Analysis of Sets of Determinants of Food Service Quality
- Interface and Task Sharing between Humans and Artificial Intelligence in Risk Management: A Qualitative Research Study
- The Impact of Hıstorıcal Places Featured ın Turkısh TV Serıes on Netflıx on Cıty Brandıng
- New Challenges in the Area of Organization of Vocational Education and Cooperation of Schools with Employers after the 2017 Reform of the Polish Educational System
Short Papers
- The Role of AI and Advanced Technology in Shaping Social Entrepreneurship and Digital Skills: A Comparative Study of UAE and Canada
- The Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Innovation with the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support: Review Paper
- How Technology Companies Managed to Manage in the Pandemic: A Case Study about the Revolutionary Change in the System
- Changing Human Resources Policies in Companies after the Pandemic
- Managing Multicultural Teams
We invite interested scholars, researchers, and managers to organize your own session(s) within the conference. The special topic session is a unique opportunity that brings together researchers and audience from around the world to discuss a specific research question of interest and/or share research efforts with others who have worked in the same area. These sessions could result in future joint research efforts, co-authorship of journal articles, and/or book publications. Special topics sessions are highly beneficial if they are well organized.
The efforts of the Special Topics Sessions' Organizers will be recognized as follows:
- The registration fee of the session organizer will be waived if at least 4 authors of invited papers register at the conference.
- Session organizers names will appear on the conference proceedings as Associate Editors
You can submit a proposal to organize a special topics session, workshop, and/or tutorial. Proposals to organize a special topic session should include the following information: name and address, e-mail of proposer, title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of the session, and a short description on how the session will be advertised. Usually, session proposers solicit papers from colleagues and researchers whose work is known to the session proposer. E-mail proposal to the conference chair.
Each special topic session will have at least 4 papers. The session chairs will be responsible for all aspects of their sessions; including, soliciting papers, reviewing, selecting, etc. The review process for invited sessions will strictly follow the review process for regular submission. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be exposed to a full blind peer review by two reviewers in the topical area. Final camera-ready papers will be reviewed by one reviewer. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Please e-mail conference Chair with your proposal.
Investigación en Español
Se invita a Académicos y a Practicantes interesados a enviar sus ponencias en las siguientes categorías:
- Artículos de Investigación: artículos completos (5000 palabras máximo) con sección de referencias completa.
- Resúmenes de Investigaciones en progreso: reportes sobre el progreso de una investigación (extensión máxima: 5 páginas o 1000 palabras)
Todos los artículos deberán ser dirigidos al tema o área apropiados. Los artículos aceptados se publicarán en las actas o memorias de la conferencia.
Los artículos serán evaluados en base a su originalidad, importancia, claridad, y en general, su contribución a la ciencia. Cada artículo será sometido a revisión doble-ciega por dos árbitros. El resumen de la retroalimentación será enviado al autor (autores) en la mayoría de los casos. Todos los comentarios y sugerencias de la revisión deberán ser considerados para la versión final. Los artículos enviados no se deben haber publicado o sometido actual o previamente para su publicación en algún otro foro.
Las memorias de la conferencia se publicarán como un libro electrónico en un USB (ISSN: 2767-9640)
Presentación Virtual: para autores que no pueden asistir a la conferencia en persona
Fecha límite de Envío de Trabajos: 30 de marzo de 2025
Temas de la conferencia
Temas de la Conferencia Tópicos
IBIMA has started the "Virtual Presentation" program in 2003. The program has helped thousands of authors around the world to publish their research efforts in an international conference, get their papers internationally recognized and cited.
Virtual presentations program was carefully designed and perfected over the years for those who are unable to attend the conference in person due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and social distancing laws, schedule conflict, teaching/research load, long flights to conference location, visa issues, or budget constraints but wish to participate with their research in this major international event. Virtual Presentations (with its reduced conference registration fee to almost 50% off regular fee) allows participants to submit papers for refereeing and publication in the conference proceedings, follow exactly the same procedures as regular papers. Virtual participants will receive a full copy of the conference proceedings and registration fee payment receipts (Invoices) via download.
Over the past 20 years, thousands of virtual presentations’ papers have been published and indexed at top indexers.
The review process for virtual presentations will strictly follow the review process for regular submissions. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be exposed to a full blind peer review in most cases. Short papers will be reviewed by the editor. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s) in most cases. All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Presentation on IBIMA YouTube Channel: “IBIMA Media” is a YouTube Channel youtube.com/IBIMAMedia designed to display presentations of many conference papers. This is optional. It is for those authors who would like to go one step further and present their research and at the same time receive "virtual presentation certificate". Once your paper is reviewed, accepted, and registered at the conference, you will receive complete instructions on how to upload your PowerPoint presentation with voice-over narration or upload a video tap of you presenting your own paper.
45th IBIMA conference 25-26 June 2025, Cordoba, Spain:
- Submission Deadline: 30 March 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: Within 2-3 week from submission date (in most cases)
Conference Registration
Conference registration fee includes all the following:
- Official 45th IBIMA conference proceedings in an electronic format
- Classification of IBIMA Proceedings in the USA Library of the Congress. ISSN: 2767-9640
- Official IBIMA participation certificate with official IBIMA Stamp
- Filling and classifying work after the conference activities to prepare the 45th IBIMA proceedings. (IBIMA has been indexed since 2005..... read more)
Registration Fee
- Virtual Presentation: €325 EUR (per paper not per author) for first paper. Then discounted rate of €195 EUR for each additional paper for the same registered author in this conference...Read More
It would be a good idea to check with IBIMA office here about exact payment before you send your wire transfer to avoid any confusion.
For questions or clarification, please contact the conference organization here