8-9 November 2017, Madrid, Spain

Session Chair

Associate Professor Olga Lvova,
Financial Management Department, School of Public Administration 
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to take part in the special topic session “CRISIS MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” within 30th IBIMA Conference. The special topic session is a unique opportunity that brings together researchers and audience from around the world to discuss a specific research question of interest and share research efforts with others.

Many scholars highlight the importance of researching crises and crisis management strategies at public and corporate levels. At the same time ecologists, economists, political analysts, sophists, historians, managers research and develop the Concept of Sustainable Development and concrete mechanisms of sustainable development, each science contributes to the fundamental idea. Nevertheless, interrelations between sustainable development and crisis management at the public and corporate level remain relatively understudied and should be discussed by international specialists. 

The session deals with state policy with regard to increasing sustainability and overcoming economic crises as well as with crisis management tools for companies. The interrelation between sustainable development and crisis management, short-term stabilization measures and long-term strategy of sustainable development is supposed to be discussed.

These issues are very important for emerging economies. This special session is organized by academics from the leading Russian universities – the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics, etc. Specific Russian approaches to sustainability and crisis management issues are also should be outlined in research papers.


Chair of the session:

  • Associate Professor Olga Lvova, Financial Management Department, School of Public Administration (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Topics of interest within the special session:

  • the specific features of public policy for increasing sustainability and overcoming the economic crises
  • evaluation of governments’ performance of sustainability improvement at emerging markets
  • regional public measures for crisis management
  • public planning in unsustainable economy: strategy and instruments
  • financial diagnostics of companies for preventive and reactive crisis management
  • business rescue potential of the insolvency institute
  • economic and organizational aspects of crisis management in companies
  • managerial control as the factor to increase business sustainability
  • project management for sustainable development
  • financial markets and sustainable development
  • assurance of banking system sustainability

Interested academics and practitioners are invited to submit:

  • Research papers: complete papers (5000 words max.) with complete references section. 
  • Short papers: research in progress or draft of papers for possible co-authorship (max. 5 pages or 1500 words) 

Detailed information about Conference is available at


Conference registration fee includes all the following:

  • 30thIBIMA Conference proceedings in an electronic format on an Official IBIMA USB. 
  • Classification of IBIMA Proceedings in the Library of the USA Congress. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-9-0.
  • Attending all conference sessions, workshops, and/or tutorials
  • All lunches, coffee breaks and networking activites
  • Filling and classifying work after the conference activities to prepare the 30th IBIMA proceedings for indexing at major indexes includingThomson Reuters (ISI) and 

Registration Fee   

  • Regular registration: US $585 (max 2 papers with this fee, $195 for each additional paper) per same participant
  • Student registration: US $385 first paper, ($195 for second paper) per same participant (students can have max. of only 2 papers)
  • Virtual registration: US $295 first paper ($195 for each additional paper for the same registered author)
  • Non Author: US $385  

* Papers can be written by co-authors. If two authors write a paper and both want to attend the conference. One author pay regular fee ($585) and the 2nd author pay only $385 (the reduced fee regardless of the status of the author).



Papers should be sent directly to special session Chair – Prof. Olga Lvova

Abstract / Short Papers / Virtual Presentation Submission deadline:  CLOSED

Notification of Acceptance: Within 2-3 week from submission date (in most cases)

Please note that the editorial board reserves the right to reject the articles not meeting the requirements and standards (either in the content or form).

CONTACTS of the Special Session:


Olga Lvova –; tel. +7 926 1212026

Address: Lomonosovsky prospect, 27-4, 119991, Moscow, Russia