“Pricing and Price Policy of the Companies”

1-2 April, 2020, Seville, Spain

Track Chair:
Professor Natalia Gryzunova,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics named G. V. Plekhanov, Russian Federation


Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to take part in the special thematic session “Pricing and pricing policies of companies” within the framework of the 35th IBIMA Conference. We invite scholars who conduct their research in the field of the theory and practice of pricing for financial and commodity markets.

We plan to discuss a wide range of issues: current trends of pricing; financial management; pricing policies and strategies; development of active and passive pricing policy; tax regulation used models of prices; pricing of financial and securities products; the theory of contract prices; control of distribution relations on the basis of prices; innovative pricing models theory of interested parties; risks associated with alternative pricing strategies.

The themes in the framework of the special track include, but are not limited to:

  • Epistemology of pricing, characteristic of the modern concepts of the theory of value
  • Methods and methodology of pricing
  • Derivative financial instruments and financial risk management
  • The system of prices and pricing mechanism
  • Pricing policy
  • Pricing strategies
  • The impact of taxes on price changes, tax treaties
  • Budget planning price management system
  • Analysis of the market environment in the system of price control as an instrument of foreign planning. Index indicators pricing
  • The structure and features of legal regulation of tax payments, surcharges and discounts in the price of goods
  • The peculiarities of analysis of financial performance of the company using the price system
  • Forecasting the impact of exchange rates on pricing. Hedging of currency risks
  • Price competition
  • Transfer pricing

The participants are not restricted to the themes mentioned above and are encouraged to develop their own relevant sub-topics within these themes.

Interested researchers and practitioners are invited to submit research articles: full papers (maximum 5000 words.) with a full reference section.

Detailed information about the conference is available at: https://ibima.org/conference/35th-ibima-conference/



Conference registration fee includes all the following:

  • Official 35thIBIMA Conference proceedings in an electronic format on an Official IBIMA USB.
  • Classification of IBIMA Proceedings in the USA Library of the Congress.   ISBN: 978-0-9998551-3-3
  • Official IBIMA participation certificate with official IBIMA Stamp
  • Attending all conference activities such as presentation sessions, workshops, and/or tutorials
  • 1st Day and 2nd Day networking Lunches (sponsored by IBIMA)
  • All coffee breaks and networking activities
  • Filling and classifying work after the conference activities to prepare and submit the 35th IBIMA proceedings for indexing at major indexes including Web of Science (ISI) and SCOPUS. (IBIMA has been indexed at Scopus since 2005 and at Web of Science since 2006)


Registration Fee  

  • Regular registration: US $585 (max 2 papers with this fee, $195 for each additional paper) per same participant
  • Student registration: US $385 first paper, ($195 for second paper) per same participant (students can have max. of only 2 papers)
  • Virtual registration: US $295 first paper ($195 for each additional paper for the same registered author)
  • Non Author: US $385 

* Papers can be written by co-authors. If two authors write a paper and both want to attend the conference. One author pay regular fee ($585) and the 2nd author pay only $385 (the reduced fee regardless of the status of the author).



 Reports should be sent directly to the Department of Financial Management, Professor Natalia Gryzunova:    gryzunova10nv@gmail.com

  • Paper Submission: CLOSED

Notification of acceptance: within two-3 weeks from the filing date of the application (in most cases)

 Please note that the editors reserve the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements and standards (both in content and in form).