45th IBIMA Conference
1- Business topics
Click here for Track details
Submit Papers to:
Mention Track in email
2- Computer Science Topics
Click here for Track details
Submit Papers to:
Mention Track in email
IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT use AI (example chatGPT,…etc) in preparing your paper. Submitted papers suspected of using any form of AI writing assistant will be rejected.
1-Step Simple Submission instructions: Submit 2 files (in Microsoft Word OR in pdf)
- First file: 1-page that has ALL author(s) information, university, country, and e-mail(s). Only corresponding author’s information will result in significant delay in processing paper.
1st Note: Last Name (Family Name) should be UPPERCASE
2nd Note: Please put in the file the most used email addresses in order to ensure you don’t miss communications from IBIMA.
Second file the paper without author(s) information for review purposes
IMPORTANT: 1) If you intend to send a full paper to the conference, do not send Abstract first. Send the full paper when it is ready to take advantage of our world-class review process. We do not operate on the basis of: abstract first then later full paper. 2) If you intend to have only abstract or Short paper in the proceedings. then, you can send the paper as Abstract or Short paper.
Paper Format:
- There is no special paper format for submission and review purposes. Once your paper is accepted by reviewers, authors will receive an acceptance package that includes IBIMA’s format guidelines for final version / camera ready publication.
- You should receive a confirmation of submission along with reference number Max. within 5-7 business days. If not, then please contact us at administration office for clarification.
- No registration and no payment during the initial submission of your paper. Once your paper is accepted after the completion of the review process, IBIMA will contact you with complete guidelines on the registration process.
Important message regarding Visa applications and/or University travel requests:
If it takes long time to get travel request approved at your university and/or to process VISA application, we highly recommend that you send your paper at the earliest possible date to allow us to send the manuscript to reviewers and get reviews back in timely fashion. The review cycle time tends to increase if you submit your paper right on the deadline date due to the large number of submissions around deadlines date.