Daniel LUKITO, “Empowering Non-IT HR Staff with Applications Development Capabilities: The Case of Utilizing Google Workspace Applications,” Proceedings of the 43rd International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 2767-9640, 26-27 June 2024, Madrid, Spain, p 1455-1462.
Daniel LUKITO, Suharnomo SUHARNOMO and Mirwan S. PERDHANA, “Transformation Management Capabilities for Digital Transformation Initiatives: A Construct Conceptualization in Alignment with the Dynamic Capabilities Framework,” Proceedings of the 38th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-7-1, ISSN: 2767-9640, 23-24 November 2021, Seville, Spain, p 1343-1353.
Trisninawati, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, Arif Hartono, Wisnu Prajogo and Majang Palupi, “The Role of Employee Engagement as a Mediator for Organization Justice, Individual Performance and Organization Performance,” Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9860419-9-0, 8-9 November 2017, Madrid, Spain, p 4720-4729.