Hend Abbassi, Younès Bahou and Mohamed Hédi Maâloul, “L’apport D’une Approche Hybride Dans La Compréhension De L’oral Arabe Spontané,” Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9860419-7-6, 3-4 May 2017, Vienna, Austria, p.2145-2157.
Emna Boughariou, Younès Bahou and Mohamed Hédi Maâloul, “Application D’une Méthode Numérique A Base D’apprentissage Pour La Segmentation Conceptuelle De L’oral Arabe Spontané,” Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9860419-7-6, 3-4 May 2017, Vienna, Austria, p.2820-2835.
Ziad Hunaiti, Zayed Huneiti, Fahed Barakat, and Wamadeva Balachandran, “Electronic System of Remote Access to Medical Records Anytime Anywhere,” Proceedings of the 11th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN : 978-0-9821489-0-7, 4- 6 January 2009, Cairo, Egypt, p.1621-1627.