Letizia ALVINO and Anouk BAKKERS, “The Impact of Brand Recognition on Perceived Quality and Willingness to Buy for Dairy Products“ Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-3-3, 13-14 November 2019, Madrid, Spain, p. 12171-12180.
Arabela ICHIM, Mihaela NECULITA and Daniela Ancuta SARPE, “Market Share and Accuracy in the Credit Rating Industry,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-1-9, 15-16 November 2018, Seville, Spain, p 4730-4741.
Amal Elgammal, Samir Sebahi, Oktay Turetken, Mohand-Said Hacid, Michael P. Papazoglou and Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, “Business Process Compliance Management: An Integrated Proactive Approach,” Proceedings of the 24th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9860419-3-8, 6-7 November 2014, Milan, Italy, p.764-781.
Amal Elgammal, Oktay Turetken, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, and Mike Papazoglou, “Towards a Comprehensive Design-time Compliance Management: A Roadmap,” Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5, 6- 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, p.1480-1484.
Xiang Gao,“Semantic Consistency within Web Services Interactions on the Conceptual Logic Level,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9753393-2-9, 14- 16 December 2004, Cozumel, Mexico.