IBIMA University research web pages are meant to showcase universities’ published research output at IBIMA International Conferences’ proceedings. 
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List of Publications

Jose ACOSTA-ROBLES, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Elizabeth CANALES AYBAR, Carlos ARROYO-PÉREZ, Mauro CRUZADO-VIERA, Norma GÁLVEZ-DÍAZ and José RODRÍGUEZ-KONG, “Systematic Literature Review Regarding Customer Management using CRM,” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 664-677.

Alberto Cahuana-Cadagán, Rodrigo Barreto-Castillo, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Hilda JÁUREGUI-ROMERO, Elizabeth CANALES-AYBAR, Mauro CRUZADO-VIERA and Alfonso TESÉN-ARROYO, “Systematic Review of the Literature on Augmented-Reality Mobile Applications for School Education,” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 678-692.

Mario CONDE-IBARRA, Brain RICSE-GÚRGURA, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Segundo TÁVARA-APONTE, Anibal SIFUENTES-DAMIÁN, Rosa MENENDEZ-MUERAS and Isaac SÁNCHEZ-CÁCERES, “Parking Space Detection Using Computer Vision: A Systematic Review of the Literature,” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 1281-1296.

Yessenia EGUSQUIZA-LÓPEZ, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Fernando CELI-GARCÍA, José COVEÑAS-LALUPU, María CAMPOS-MIRANDA and Magno ATUJE-PARIONA, “Machine Learning for Breast Cancer Detection: A Systematic Literature Review,” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 1581-1594.

Jhonatan GALLARDO-ALCANTARA, Gerson NAPA-FUENTES, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Edward RUBIO-LUNA VICTORIA, Alberto ALVA-ARÉVALO, Caleb RÍOS-VARGAS and Mauro CRUZADO-VIERA, “A Systematic Literature Review on Business Intelligence from A Decision-Making Perspective,” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 5576-5590.

Roy PARRA-TORRES, Moisés SACA-BARRAZA, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Augusto HIDALGO-SÁNCHEZ, Ronald PÉREZ-SALCEDO, Cecilia GARCIA-RIVAS PLATA, Celia YAURIS-SILVERA and Jorge ELIAS-SILUPU, “Mobile Applications with Augmented Reality and Their Impact on Teaching Students with Disabilities: A Systematic Review,” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 6169-6185.

Yojan FELIX-CARHUANCHO, Jean FRANCIA-LAGUNAS, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Jorge MAYHUASCA-GUERRA, Juan PACHECO-TORRES, Alberto ALVA-ARÉVALO and Caleb RÍOS-VARGAS, “A Systematic Review of Business Intelligence Technology for Decision-Making,” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 7162-7174.

Alex PACHECO, Consuelo ESPINO, Marco AÑAÑOS, Elizabeth MENDOZA and Liz PACHECO, “Artificial Vision System for the Classification of Green Lemons (Citrus latifolia),” Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7, 4-5 November 2020, Granada, Spain, p 9071-9079.

Alex PACHECO, Marco AÑAÑOS, Consuelo ESPINO, Enrique CONDOR and Luis GUEVARA, “Computational Vision System for the Classification of the Black Potato (Solanun Chaucha),” Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7, 4-5 November 2020, Granada, Spain, p 11829-11835.

Jhudith EGOCHEAGA-OSCCO, Angelo CHAVEZ-VELI, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Alfonso ROMERO BAYLÓN, Luis SOTO-SOTO and Oscar MUJICA-RUIZ, “Business Intelligence for Decision Making in the Sales Area – A Systematic Literature Review,” Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7, 4-5 November 2020, Granada, Spain, p 5937-5956.

Prieto ZARATE RODRIGO, Javier GAMBOA-CRUZADO, Alberto JIMENEZ GARCÍA, Oscar MUJICA RUIZ, María RODRÍGUEZ KONG and Augusto HIDALGO-SÁNCHEZ, “Information Management Using Mobile Apps: A Systematic Review,” Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7, 4-5 November 2020, Granada, Spain, p 8807-8821.