Call to Submit Papers to 38th IBIMA Conference

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Submissions to 38th IBIMA Conference are now open. The conference is scheduled to take place in Seville, Spain, 3-4 November 2021. We invite academicians and researchers to submit their papers to the conference.

IBIMA Conferences are renowned internationally, and 38th conference is another occasion for researchers from around the world to publish their research efforts in a recognized conference. It is as well an opportunity to meet in an academic and friendly atmosphere to discuss ideas and exchange about your research works.

Those who are unable to attend the conference in person for any reason still have the chance to submit papers to IBIMA conferences through the Virtual Presentation. Through virtual presentation, you can publish your paper in the conference proceedings without attending the conference physically.

Note that all papers are treated similarly whether they are regular or virtual submissions. They are reviewed and published in an electronic format. Please refer to call for papers.

To submit your paper, please check our submit page: