Léonel MATAR, “Values, Human Dignity and Sustainable Development in the Wake of the Economic Globalization,” Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7, 4-5 November 2020, Granada, Spain, p 14145-14145.
Batoul TAMIM, Eliane KHALIFÉ and Walid ABOU-KHALIL, “Rapprochement De L’image Complexe Et De L’image Induite: Le Cas D’une Ville Touristique Libanaise,” Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-4-0, 1-2 April 2020, Seville, Spain, p. 5842-5856.
Georges AOUN and Leonel MATAR, “Social Media and the Theory of Social Exchange” Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-3-3, 13-14 November 2019, Madrid, Spain, p. 4328-4331.
Georges Aoun and Leonel Matar, “The Sharing Economy in the Middle East: the Case of Lebanon,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-1-9, 15-16 November 2018, Seville, Spain, p 1911-1911.
Léonel Matar and Georges Aoun, “The Challenges and Opportunities of the Sharing Economy: The Case of a Developing Economy,” Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9860419-9-0, 8-9 November 2017, Madrid, Spain, p 1952-1958.
Antoine HARFOUCHE, Elvira HARIKA HABIB, and Michel KALIKA, “Les raisons d’implantation et d’adoption de l’administration électronique par les pays en voie de développement : une approche néo-institutionnaliste. Illustration avec le cas du LIBAN,” Proceedings of the 13th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9821489-2-1, 9-10 November 2009, Marrakech, Morocco, p.897-910.