30 June - 2 July 2008
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Conference CLOSED
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ISBN : 978-0-9753393-9-8

  • Welcome
  • Call for Papers
  • Conference Committee
  • Conference Themes
  • Accepted Papers
  • Special Topics Sessions
  • Important Dates
  • Registration
  • Conference Program


The 10th IBIMA conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Business Globalization will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 30 June - 2 July 2008.  

Kuala Lumpur is the capital and the largest city of Malaysia.  Kuala Lumpur was founded in 1857 as a tin-mining camp.  Today, Kuala Lumpur combines the old with the present in a charming way.  This is observed in how the Sultan Abdul Samad building blends with very well with the tallest twin buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers.  Still, there is more in Kuala Lumpur to see and enjoy: The old railway station, Masjid Jamek, the headquarters of Telekom Malaysia, and China Town.  Come and see for yourself why Malaysia is truly Asia.

This major international conference will address a range of important themes with respect to Information management its impact on organizations, governments, and societies.

The conference will include numerous papers and workshop presentations by academics and researchers from around the globe. Conference participants are welcome to submit full papers, short papers, extended abstracts, paper drafts, or invited session proposals. Please refer to call for papers.

The conference proceedings will be classified in 

  • EBSCO database
  • Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) index 
  • CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) index
  • InterDok

Selected papers will be considered for a special issue of 
Management Research News
an Emerald Publication


Submissions instructions: Submit 2 files (in Microsoft Word OR in pdf)
First file with just complete author(s) information and e-mail(s)
Second file with just the paper without author(s) information for review purposes

There is no paper format for submissions.  Once your paper is accepted by reviewers, authors will receive an acceptance package that includes IBIMA's format guildlines for camera ready publication.

If you are submitting to a special track, please indicate that in your e-mail


Call for Papers

Interested academics and practitioners are invited to submit:

  • Research papers: complete papers (5000 words max.) with complete references section. 
  • Short papers: this could be research in progress, abstracts, ideas you would like to explore with audiance at the conference, or draft of papers for possible co-authorship:  (max. 5 pages or 1000 words) 

IBIMA focuses on real-world business applications.  Therefore, submitted papers should highlight the benefits and applications of managing information in industry, government, and services.  The idea of the conference is to discuss how to solve business problems or take advantage of new opportunities using IT.  All papers will be directed to the appropriate  theme and/or track.  All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. 

Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution.  It is IBIMA policy to send complete papers to two reviewers for full blind peer review and to send a summary of review back to the author(s) .   Short papers/abstracts will be reviewed by reviewer and/or the editor.  All review comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission.  Submitted Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference proceedings will be published as an e-book on a CD (ISBN:0-9753393-9-7) 

*IBIMA reserves the right to accept or reject any research/short paper proposal/submission. Reasons for rejection include, but are not limited to: topics not fitting the conference program main theme or panel subjects, insufficient space on the conference program, failure to meet professional obligations in prior IBIMA conferences (e.g., not completing a paper, not delivering a paper on time, failure to appear for a scheduled slot), failure to register for the conference, unprofessional conduct, or any other reason.

Conference Committees

Conference Chair

Khalid S. Soliman, International Business Information Management Association, USA

Local Chair

Muhammad Najib Razali  Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia najibr@uthm.edu.my

Research Chair

Paul H. P. Yeow Multimedia University, Malaysia hpyeow@mmu.edu.my

Advisory Committee

John F. Affisco, Hofstra University, USA
Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Hesham H. Ali, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Emad Bataineh, Zayed University, UAE
Najiba Benabess, Norwich University, Northfield, USA
Az-Eddine Bennani, Reims Management School, France
Emil Boasson, Ithaca College School of Business, USA
Regina Connolly, Dublin City University, Ireland
Reggie Davidrajuh, Stavanger University College, Norway
Susana de Juana Espinosa, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Xiuzhen Feng, Beijing University of Technology, China
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland
Takao Ito, Ube National College of Technology, Japan
Mohammad Ayub Khan, Technologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Sherif Kamel, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Nabil Mzoughi, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Christiane E. Metzner, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
Roman Povalej, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Alcina Prata, ESCE, Portugal
Muhammad Najib Razali, Universiti Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Joseph Sarkis, Clark University, USA
Najib Saylani, Hofstra University, USA
Magdy Serour, InContext Solutions, Australia
Mark Srite, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee,  USA
Amine Nehari Talet, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Mineral, KSA
Salvador Treviño, Technologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Abraham G. van der Vyver, Monash University, South Africa
Dianne Wingham, Australia
Paul H.P. Yeow, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Shumaila Y. Yousafzai, Cardiff University, UK

Program Committee

(program committee member's name appears on this list only after reviewing at least one paper) 

Abdelnasser M  Abdelaal, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Abdelkader abdelkarim, Université de Sfax, Tunisia
Sharifah Lailee Syed-Abdullah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Dhammika Abeysinghe, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka  
Nasrin Shah Abushakra, Lehigh University, USA
Abdollah Aghaie, K N Toosi University of Technology, Iran
Anil K Aggarwal, University of Baltimore, USA
Mohamed A. Antar, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA
Adel Al-Alawi, University of Bahrain, Bahrain  
Wadee Alhalabi, College of Technology - Makkah, KSA
Ana Paula P.M. Afonso, ISCAP/ IPP, Portugal  Excellent Constructive review
Fayez Ahmad Albadri, Abu Dhabi University – ADMA OPCO, UAE
Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KSA Excellent Constructive review
Christopher Armstrong, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Hartford, USA
José Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain
Saïd Assar, Institut TELECOM, France
Charles Korede Ayo, Covenant University, Nigeria
Ahmed Azam, DeVry University, USA Excellent Constructive review
Ali Al-Badi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Shamshul Bahri, University of Malaya, Malaysia Excellent Constructive review
Dr. Ozlem Bak, University of Greenwich Country, UK
David A Banks, University of South Australia, Australia   
Reza Barkhi, Virginia Tech, USA and American University of Sharjah, UAE Excellent Constructive review
Surinder Batra, Institute of Management Technology, India
Ian Beeson, University of the West of England, UK
Mounim Belalia, University Paris Dauphine, France
Tarik Beldjilali, Moncton University, Canada
Najiba Benabess, Norwich University, USA
Az-Eddine Bennani, Reims Management School  & UTC, France  
Boutheina Ben Yaghlane, IHEC Carthage, Tunisia Excellent Constructive review
Mohamed Bettaz, INI/MESRS, Algeria
Mamata Bhandar, U21 Global, Singapore
Y T McIntyre-Bhatty, University of Wales, UK
Indranil Bose, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Peter Bradl , University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany  
James Braman, Towson University, USA
Evren Bulut, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France   
Adriana Schiopoiu Burlea, University of Craiova, Romania
Guendalina Capece, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Teuta Cata, Northern Kentucky University, USA
João Alvaro CArvalho, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Sergio de Cesare, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Keith C.C. Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Maiga Chang, Athabasca University, Canada
Yu Chen, Renmin  University of China, China
Yichih Chen, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Li-wen chen,  Chung-Hua University Country: Taiwan, R.O.C.    
Wenshin Chen, Prairie View A&M University, USA Excellent Constructive review
Tan Saw Chin, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Claudiu CICEA, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Jorge Valdés Conca, University of Alicante, Spain
Viorel Cornescu, “Nicolae Titulescu” University from Bucharest, Romania
Steven B. Creason, Metropolitan State University, USA
Khaled Dahawy, The American University in Cairo, Egypt Excellent Constructive review
Farhad Daneshgar, University of New South Wales,Australia  Excellent Constructive review
Razvan Daniel Zota, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania  
Lourdes Canos Daros, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain 
Sagarmay Deb, Central Queens University, Australia
Yogesh Deshpande, University of Western Sydney, Australia 
Dusmanescu Dorel, Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
Elena Druică, University of Bucharest, Romania Excellent Constructive review
Basel M. Al-Eideh, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Meriem Elayoubi, IAE Université Touloue 1, France  
Susana de Juana Espinosa, University of Alicante, Spain
Uchenna Cyril Eze, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Sadat Fatiha, Université du Quebec a Montreal,  Canada
F G Filip, The Romanian Academy, Romania
Melike N. Findikoglu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Excellent Constructive review
Terrill L. Frantz, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Bardo Fraunholz, Deakin University, Australia Excellent Constructive review
Satoshi Fujita, Hiroshima University, Japan
Peter Gall, Edith Cowan University, Australia     
Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi, Institut Supérieur en Informatique et Gestion de Kairouan, Tunisia
Lotfi Gammoudi, Nanterre University, France
Gerald Goh Guan Gan, Multimedia University, Malaysia Excellent Constructive review
Rimantas Gatautis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Mouzhi Ge, Dublin City University, Ireland
Sandro Geric, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Abbass Ghanbary, University of Western Sydney, Australia   
Said Ghoul, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Daniel Pérez Gónzalez, Cantabria University, Spain Excellent Constructive review
Feliz Gouveia, University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal
Emanuel S. Grant, University of North Dakota, USA
Migue Guinalíu, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Gayah Gulam, MSC Malaysia, Malaysia
Calin Gurau, GSCM – Montpellier Business School, France  
Huong Ha, TMC Educational Group, Singapore
Saida Habhab,  ESC La Rochelle, France
Sameh  El Hadouaj, FSEGN, Tunisia Excellent Constructive review
Abrar Haider, University of South Australia, Australia
Raija Halonen, University of Oulu, Finland
Suraya Hamid, University of Malaya, Malaysia      
Hajah Rugayah Hashim, University Technology Mara, Malaysia
Zainal A. Hasibuan, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Gy Hashim, University Technology Mara, Malaysia
Sacha Helfenstein, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Excellent Constructive review
Asleena Helmi, Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus), Malaysia
Kevin K.W. Ho, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Excellent Constructive review
Tamara Hoegler, Karlsruhe Uniersity, Germany
Ewa Huebner, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Abdul Razak Ibrahim, University of Malaya, Malaysia Excellent Constructive review
Thierry Isckia, INT Management, France         
Md. Zahidul  Islam, Independent University, Bangladesh
Noor Azizi Ismail, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia  
Mohammad Ismail, UiTM PERLIS, Malaysia
Wattiau Isabelle, ESSEC and CNAM, France
Hussein Abdel-jaber, University of Bradford, UK
Michael C. Jaeger,  Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Björn Johansson, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Damir Kalpic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Yusniza Kamarulzaman, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Vijay Kapur, University of Delhi, India
Berman Kayis, University of  New South Wales, Australia
Shaiful Annuar Khalid, UiTM Perlis, Malaysia
Kanwar Adeel Waheed Khan, University of Leeds, UK
Ahmad Khasawneh, Hashemite University, Jordan
Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Hana Klcova, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic
Stefan Klink, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Gabriele Kotsis, Johannes Kepler University Linz Country, Austria
Girija Krishnaswamy, ACU National, Australia
Ashwani Kumar, IIM Lucknow, India
R. Shashi Kumar, Bangalore University, India
Fotis Liarokapis, Coventry University, UK
Yet Mee Lim, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia Excellent Constructive review
Angela Lin, University of Sheffield, UK
Kathy J. Liszka, The University of Akron, USA
Hsu Kuan (Jonathan) Liu, I-SHOU University, Taiwan
Keri Logan, Massey University, New Zealand  
Mehdi Louizi, Faculte des Sciences de Tunis (FST), Tunisia
Garth R. MacKenzie, University of Maryland University College, USA
Zaigham Mahmood, University of Derby, UK
Sajjad Mahmood, La Trobe University, Australia
Ra’ed (Moh’d Taisir) Masa’deh, The University of Nottingham, UK Excellent Constructive review
Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Mara University Of Technology, Malaysia Excellent Constructive review
El-Hussein El-Masry, California State University, Los Angeles, USA
Amanda Mead, Macquarie University, Australia
Christiane Metzner , Universidad Central de Venezuela Country, Venezuela Excellent Constructive review
Steffen Moeller, Insititute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center, Germany Excellent Constructive review
N.Mohamudally, University of Technology, Mauritius
Fernando Pena Möller, Private Consultant, Spain                    
Farid Meziane, University of Salford, UK
Mahmoud Abou Naaj, Ajman University of Science and Technology, UAE
Tahir Naeem, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
Mehran Nejati, Yazd University, Iran
Azah Anir bt Norman, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Urban Nulden, Goteborg University, Sweden
Placide Poba-Nzaou, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
Sangjo Oh, Dongyang Technical College, Korea Excellent Constructive review
Fon Sim Ong, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Abdullah Promise Opute, University of East Anglia, UK
Blanca Hernández-Ortega, University of Zaragoza, Spain Excellent Constructive review
Panagiota Papadopoulou, University of Athens, Greece
Adamantia G. Pateli, Ionian University, Greece Excellent Constructive review
Shaun Pather, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa Excellent Constructive review
Tania Pavlou, VIVARTIA, Greece Excellent Constructive review
Selwyn Piramuthu, University of Florida, USA
Michel Plaisent, University Quebec in Montreal, Canada
Catalin Popescu, University of Petroleum and Gas, Romania
Jyothsna Priyadarsini. K, ICFAI, India
Mahdieh Rahmanian, University of Delhi, India
Shalini Rahul, Management Development Institute, India   
Sita Ramakrishnan, Monash University, Australia
Semei Leopoldo Coronado Ramírez, University of Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
Leif Bloch Rasmussen, Copenhagen Busniess School, Denamrk
Sri Devi Ravana, University of malaya, Malaysia
Subhajyoti Ray, Xavier Institute of Management, India
Siavash Jandeh-Razmi, Razmitech Information Technology, New Zealand Excellent Constructive review
Saida Habhab-Rave, Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle, France
Liana Razmerita, CBS, Denmark
Siavash Jandeh-Razmi, Razmitech Information Technology, New Zealand  
Laura Anna Ripamonti, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Luis Silva Rodrigues, ISCAP/IPP, Portugal  
Awanis Bt Romli, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Amit Rudra, Curtin University, Australia
Beatrice Rumpler, INSA LYON, France
Fjodor Ruzic, Institute for Informatics, Croatia
Gunter Saake, OvG University of Magdeburg, Germany
Saqib Saeed, University of Siegen, Germany
Lamjed Ben Said, ISG Tunis, Tunisia
Salaheldin Ismail Salaheldin, Qatar University, Qatar
Saeid Samiee, University of Delhi, India
Paulus Insap Santosa, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Carlos Santos, Jr., Southern Illinois University, USA
Samiaji Sarosa, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University, Indonesia  
Christoph Schroth, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Albert Henry Seymour Scott, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong
Vaclav Sebesta, Institute of Computer Sciences, Czech Republic
Azadeh Shafaei, Rasht Islamic Azad University, Iran  
N. Sadat Shami, Cornell University, USA Excellent Constructive review
Alina Shamsuddin, University Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Shahid A. Sheikh,  Colorado Tech University, USA
Violeta Sima, Oil & Gas University, Romania
Tan Khong Sin, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Alan Sixsmith, University of Technology-Sydney, Australia Excellent Constructive review
Danie Smit, SAP Research, South Africa
Petr Sodomka, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic      
Anongnart Srivihok, Kasetart University, Thailand
Thomas Stenger, IAE Limoges University, France
Gabriele Stoppa, University of Trento, Italy
Uldis Sukovskis, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Ainin Sulaiman, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Mohammad Subri Tahir, UiTM, Malaysia
Evon M. O. Abu-Taieh, The Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Jordan
Nouha Taifi, eBMS-ISUFI - Salento University, Italy   
Sabah N. Abdul-Wahab Al-Tamimi, Al Ghurair University, UAE
Daniel CM Tan, Northcentral University, USA Excellent Constructive review
Aries Tao Tao, Macquarie University, Australia
Mary Tate, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Arthur Tatnall, Victoria University, Australia
Fadi Thabtah, Huddersfield University, UK
Alexei Tretiakov, Massey University, New Zealand
António Trigo, ESTGM – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal    
Ane Tröger, Aston University, UK
Cheng-Fa Tsai, National Pingtung Univesiy of Science & Technology, Taiwan                       
Dany Di Tullio, Queen’s University, Canada
Charles A. von Urff, University of Phoenix, USA
Zita A. Vale, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal 
Eddy Vandijck, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Giovanni Vincenti, Gruppo Vincenti, S.r.l., Italy
Eva Vořechová, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic   
Bushra  Waheed, Institute of Management Sciences, Pakistan
Chiou-Pirng Wang, Albany State University, USA
Edgar Weippl,Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Dianne Wingham, Newcastle University, Australia
David W. Wilson,  University of London, UK
Axel Winkelmann, University of Muenster, Germany
Viacheslav Wolfengagen, Institute JurInfoR-MSU, Russia
Nilay Yajnik, NMIMS University, India
Roland K. Yeo, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA Excellent Constructive review
William Yeoh, University of South Australia, Australia
Mahmoud Youssef, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt
Calvin Chun Yu, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Excellent Constructive review
Xihui (Paul) Zhang, University of Memphis, USA Excellent Constructive review
Dengsheng Zhang, Monash University, Australia   
Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait, Sana’a University, Yemen


Possible conference topics of interest 

  • Knowledge Management
  • Social Impact of Technology Development
  • E- Business and Internet Computing
  • Management of Technology in Education and Businesses
  • Innovation & Tecgnology in New Product/Service Development
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • International Business Strategies and Information Technology
  • E-Government strategies, implementation procedures, and case studies
  • Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization
  • ICT Management
  • Information Systems issues
  • The Integration of Technology & Organizational Strategies
  • R&D Management
  • Project and Program Management
  • Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies
  • Management of Technology in Developing Countries
  • Sustainable Innovation and Competitive Advantange
  • Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources
  • Strategic use of Technology in the Financial Sector
  • Adoption, acceptance, and diffusion of emerging technologies
  • Change management and organizational performance measures
  • Knowledge Engineering and Discovery
  • Information Quality Management
  • Information Quality Metrics and Assessment
  • E-Commerce issues, trends, and case tudies
  • E-Learning, e-Training, and e-Teams
  • M-Commerce business models, applications, and best practices
  • Privacy, security, ethical, and social issues
  • Customer relationship management (CRM),Business process re-design (BPR)
  • Total quality management (TQM),Cycle time reduction (CTR)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Enterprise Systems (ERP) and Industry Solutions
  • Strategic Decision Support Systems
  • Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network applications
  • Knowledge-based Systems Engineering
  • Object-Oriented Database Systems
  • Data Warehouses and Datamining
  • Software engineering of e-business systems
  • Data Mining techniques
  • Knowledge extraction and search


List of Accepted Papers

Special Topics Sessions

The efforts of the Special Topics Sessions' Organizers will be recognized as follows:

  • The registration fee of the session organizer will be waived if at least 4 authors of invited papers register at the conference.
  • Session organizers names will appear on the conference proceedings as Associate Editors

The special topic session is a unique opportunity that brings together researchers and audience from around the world to discuss a specific research question of interest and/or share research efforts with others who have worked in the same area.  These sessions could result in future joint research efforts, co-authorship of journal articles, and/or book publications.  Special topics session are highly beneficial if they are well organized.

You can submit a proposal to organize a special topics sessionworkshop, and/or tutorial.  Proposals to organize a special topic session should include the following information: name and address, e-mail of proposer, title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of the session, and a short description on how the session will be advertised.  Usually, session proposers solicit papers from colleagues and researchers whose work is known to the session proposer.  E-mail proposal to the conference chair.

Each special topic session will have at least 3 paper. The session chairs will be responsible for all aspects of their sessions; including, soliciting papers, reviewing, selecting, etc.  The review process for invited sessions will strictly follow the review process for regular submission.  Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution.  Each paper will be exposed to a full blind peer review by two reviewers in the topical area.  Final camera-ready papers will be reviewed by one reviewer.    Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Important Dates

Important note: If it take long time to get travel request approved we recommend that you send your paper the at earliest possible to allow us to receive the reviews in a timely fashion. The review time tends to increase if you submit your paper right on the deadline date due to large number of submissions around deadlines.

  • Paper Submission: Closed
  • Notification of Acceptance: Within 3-4 weeks from submission date (in most cases)
  • 2nd Phase Paper submission deadline: May 9, 2008



The conference is closed

Conference Program

Conference Hotel

Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur The Hotel Istana is strategically located within Kuala Lumpur’s main Golden Triangle business and commercial centre. It is also within walking distance to the Bintang Walk shopping and entertainment hub, the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, iconic landmarks such as the Petronas Twin Towers and the Kuala Lumpur Tower and the nearby Chinatown (all within walking distance) while the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is only an hour drive away.  Hotel Istana is a majestic landmark central to the business and shopping centre of Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle – the most happening hub for both residents and tourists alike.  The 23-story Hotel Istana is a leading corporate address, catering to the concept of “stay-work-relax” for travellers on the move. 

Please click on the Hotel link above for more details and directions. For reservations: Reservation form

Hotel Address:
Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur 
73 Jalan Raja Chulan, 
50200 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: 603-2141 9988
Fax: 603-2144 0111 
Email: rsvn@hotelistana.com.my


Please note the following conference presentation guidelines:

  • Each presentation has 15 min. followed by  5 min discussion. Session chairs will coordinate presentations in their respective sessions
  • There will be LCD projector available in every session room.  Please prepare your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (to insure compatibility). Please note that Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 IS NOT backward compatible with PowerPoint 2003.  So, please make sure you have your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003
  • Save your files on a flash (USB) drive and on a CD just in case.  Also, it is highly recommended that you email your presentation to yourself on a web-based client (hotmail, yahoo, etc.) as a backup.  NO Floppy Disks OR Transparencies Please.
  • It would be a good idea to bring your own laptop for your presentation to insure that your paper is presented properly.
  • Every registered participant will be issued a name tag that he/she should wear at all times.  No one without name tag will be allowed into the conference area


Conference Program

Please use your browser find option to locate your name and session

Monday June 30, 2008                                                    8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Monday June 30, 2008                                                     8:45 am – 10:30 am

Session M1.1: E-Government                                           Baidura 
Session Chair: Md Mahbubur Rahim

E-Government Implementation in Spain: the Case of the City of Benidorm 
de Juana- Espinosa, S., Valdés-Conca, J., Manresa-Marhuenda, and García-Felonés, L.

Managing the E-Government Adoption Process in Kenya's Local Authorities
Nixon Muganda-Ochara and Jean-Paul Van Belle

An exploratory Study of Factors Determining e-Government Success in Saudi Arabia
Ali Nasser H. Al-Solbi and Sami H. Al-Harbi

E-Governance and Policing in Tamil Nadu, India
TKS Thamizhchelvi
Session M1.2:  Computer and Network Engineering             Berlian
Session Chair: Cătălin Popescu

Application of Backward Chaining Method to Computer Forensic
Najib Saylani

Customer Satisfaction Fuzzy Cognitive Map in Banking Industry
S. M. Reza Nasserzadeh, M. Hamed Jafarzadeh, Taha Mansouri, and Babak Sohrabi

Challenges to Describe QoS Requirements for Web Services Quality Prediction to Support Web Services Interoperability in Electronic Commerce
Wan Nurhayati Wan Ab. Rahman and Farid Meziane

Web Service Composition Approaches to Support Dynamic E-Business Systems
Sayed Gholam Hassan Tabatabaei, Wan Mohd Nasir Wan Kadir, and Suhaimi Ibrahim

Compliance of X.509 Certification Standard in the Implementation of Third Party Certification in Malaysian E-Commerce Websites
Syahida Hassan and Mohd Khairudin Kasiran

Session M1.3:  Knowledge Management I                         Delima
Session Chair: N. Raghavendra Rao

Use of New Knowledge and Knowledge Management to Gain Competitive Advantage
Shahid A. Sheikh

Aligning Knowledge Management Processes and Innovation Management Capability in a Global Business
A. Bechina Arnzten and L. Voransachai

Linking Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Rosmaini  Tasmin and Peter C. Woods

Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence: A Synergy for Organizational Competitiveness in the K-Economy
Khairul Mizan Taib,  Saiful Farik Mat Yatin, Abdul Rahman Ahmad, and Ahmad Nazri Mansor

An Empirical Study of Knowledge Management Processes in Small and Medium Enterprises
Salina Daud and Wan Fadzilah Wan Yusuf

Session M1.4:  ICT & Financial Information                        Nilam
Session Chair: Theo Papadopoulos

Technological Innovation and the Market Value of Firms
Madan Annavarjula, Ramesh Mohan, and Sam Beldona

Comparisons Between Transparency In The United States of America(US) Corporate Bond Market and European Corporate Bond Market: Criticisms of Transparency In US Markets From European Markets Perspective
Wan Nur Rahini Aznie Zainudin and John Board

Nigeria’s Economic Growth: Emphasizing the Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Transfer of Technology 
A Y Dutse

A Study of Global Bankruptcy Trends: Examples from USA, UK, Australia, China and Other Countries
Enoch K Beraho

The Role of Electronic Trading System on Organizational Knowledge Management at Muscat Securities Market
Zainab Al-Shandoudi, Rawan Al-Abri, Nahal Al-Rawahi, Kamla Al-Busaidi

Coffee Break                                                                 10:30 am – 11:00 am

Monday June 30, 2008                                                     11:00 am – 12:45 pm

Session M2.1:   Supply Chain Management                       Baidura 
Session Chair: Wenshin Chen

Identifying Factors Affecting Acceptance of E-Procurement Systems: An Initial Qualitative Study at an Australian City Council
Md Mahbubur Rahim

Requirements of Knowledge Management Systems According To Performance and Risk Related Issues in Global Supply Chains
Markus Mau and Nicole Mau

Towards Understanding Public e-Procurement Adoption Among Supplier Firms
Erne Suzila Kassim and Husnayati Hussin

Corporate Logistics Improvement through Automated Processes: A Romanian Case Study for a Repair Flow Control and Supply Management System
Mihai Orzan, Liviu Serbanescu, Gheorghe Orzan, Violeta Sima, and Ileana Georgiana Gheorghe

Managing Supply Chain Risks in Multi-site, Multi-partner Engineering Projects
Sami Kara, Berman Kayis, and Emilie Gomez

Session M2.2:  Small and Medium Size Enterprise                   Berlian
Session Chair: Az-Eddine Bennani

Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Information Technology Competence: Resource-Based View on Small and Medium Enterprises
J. W. Ong and Hishamuddin Bin Ismail

An Empirical Study of Website Adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia
Kogilah Narayanasamy, A.S.Santhapparaj, and Uchenna Cyril Eze

An Empirical Study of Internet-Based ICT Adoption Among Malaysian SMEs
Khong Sin Tan and Uchenna Cyril Eze

The Role of Gender in the Perception of barriers to E-commerce Adoption in SMEs: An Australian Study
Robert MacGregor and Lejla Vrazalic

Improving Women Entrepreneurs in Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia: Policy Recommendations
Wendy Ming-Yen Teoh and Siong-Choy Chong

Session M2.3:  Knowledge Management II                              Delima
Session Chair: Kamla Ali Al-Busaidi 

Knowledge Management Basics for Emerging Economies
K. Kalpana and B.Premkumar

Enhancing Knowledge Creation in Organizations
Ng Sin Pei

The Impact of Information Infrastructure Capabilities on Knowledge Manipulation Skills: A Conceptual Framework 
Lew Sook Ling and Uchenna C. Eze

The Impact of Knowledge Process about Customer on the Success of Customer Knowledge Acquisition
Samer ALHawari, Amine Nehari Talet, Haroun Alryalat, Wa’el Musa Hadi

Knowledge-based Agricultural Hub
Faudziah Ahmad, Nur Haryani Zakaria, Norliza Katuk, and Nur Wan Rozaini Sheikh Osman

Session M2.4:  Technology Acceptance                                  Nilam
Session Chair: Jawahitha Sarabdeen

Proposed Innovation Acceptance Model
Yew-Siang Poong and Uchenna Cyril Eze

Attitudes toward ICT of Law Enforcement Officers: A Case of the Royal Malaysia Police
Hajah Rugayah Hashim, Abdul Latiff Abdul Rahman, and Wan Narita Mustapha

User Acceptance of Technology: Oman Case Study on Determinants and Measurement Methods
Rasha Al Abdali and Ali H. Al-Badi

The Romanian Entrepreneurial Profile from the Perspective of Cultural Dimensions - A Case Study for Prahova County – Romania
Violeta Sima, Ileana Georgiana Gheorghe, Mihai Cristian Orzan, and Gheorghe Orzan

Modelling Consumer Adoption of Internet Shopping
Yusniza Kamarulzaman

Conference Lunch                                                      12:45 pm – 2:30 pm

Monday June 30, 2008                                                     2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Session M3.1:   ICT in Healthcare I                                  Baidura 
Session Chair: Jean-Paul Van Belle

Towards Restraining Cost in Healthcare Domain: A Multiagent Approach
Saadat M. Alhashmi

The necessity to have an integrated national information system in the public health care system:  Case study- How works a Management Information System in the case of one of the main health care providers - a hospital from Romania
Cătălin Popescu, Ion Iarca, and Gheorghe Alexandru

An Insight into E-health Programs in Morocco: What Realistic Solution? 
Az-Eddine Bennani and Meriem Elayoubi

E-health Data Privacy:  How Far It Is Protected?
Jawahitha Sarabdeen and Mohamed Mazahir Mohamed Ishak

Session M3.2:  Business Education and E-Learning                       Berlian
Session Chair: Markus Mau 

ICT Mediated Collaborative Learning: A Learner-Centred Approach to Improving ICT Literary and Employability of Business Graduates
Theo Papadopoulos and Carolyn Woodley

Electronic Student Academic System (E-SAS) For Secondary School
Junaida Sulaiman, Roziatul Hasmat Mat Yamin, and Noorhuzaimi Karimah Mohd Noor

Instructors’ Perspective on E-Learning Adoption in Sri Lanka: A Preliminary Investigation
Mohamed Hussain Thowfeek and Husnayati Hussin

An Empirical Study of Learning Object Acceptance in Multimedia Learning Environment
Siong-Hoe Lau and Peter C. Woods

Operationalizing Off-task Sociability of Asynchronous Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Babak Abedin and Farhad Daneshgar

Session M3.3:  Knowledge Management III                                  Delima
Session Chair: Indrit Troshani 

Synergizing Knowledge Management Concepts
N. Raghavendra Rao

Managing Knowledge Management through Strategic Management Perspectives
Abd. Rahman Ahmad and Mohammad Talha Mohamed Idris

The Motivators and Benefits of Sharing Knowledge to a KMS Repository in an Omani Organization
Kamla Ali Al-Busaidi, Lorne Olfman, Terry Ryan, and Gondy Leroy

Assessing the Application of the Knowledge Management Success Paradigm in South Africa
Nixon Muganda-Ochara, Kosheek Sewchurran, Mzingaye Ndlovu, and Amanda Pillay

The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Trust: Malaysian Perspective
Rohana Ngah, Chua Hock Hoo, and Abdul Razak Ibrahim

Session M3.4:  Online Education                                          Nilam
Session Chair: Amine Nehari Talet

On Distant Education: Cost Issues
Lotfi Bouzaiane

Can Virtual Learning Environment Help?  Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning Strategies for Teaching Sixth-Grade Science Course
Li-wen Chen and Hsu-Kuan Jonathan Liu

An Evaluation of an Online Programming Course
Brendan McCarthy

A Web Application to Create a Virtual Campus for Students at Petroleum and Gas University, Ploiesti
Cătălin Popescu, Bogdan Vasilescu, and Tiberiu Stănescu

Coffee Break                                                                 4:00 am – 4:30 am

Monday June 30, 2008                                                     4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Session M4.1:   E-Commerce                                                Baidura 
Session Chair: Ali Nasser H. Al-Solbi

Virtual Corporation: A Ladder to Gather Revenue
Vivek Uprit

The three-quarter moon:A new model for E-Commerce adoption
Abdalla Hamed, David Ball, Hillary Berger, Pat Cleary

Application of Decision Support System in E-commerce
M.Senthil Velmurugan and Kogilah Narayanasamy

Electronic Commerce and Distribution Channel Selection: A Transaction Cost Analysis 
Ng Hong Teong, Abdul-Talib Asmat-Nizam, and Norhayati Zakaria

Session M4.2:  Mobile Communications and Commerce        Berlian
Session Chair: Berman Kayis 

Mobile Telephony: New Marketing Object in a Globalized Economy
Bruno Salgues

Regulating the Mobile Telecommunications Industry: The Case of Australia
Indrit Troshani and Sally Rao Hill

Social Pressures and Mobile Communication Technology: Preliminary Understanding of Two Factor Analyses over Time
Wenshin Chen, Siew Fan Wong, and Peter Sutanto 

Opportunities and Obstacles Facing Businesses (B2C) by Implementing Location-Based Services (LBS) in Oman
Shaima Hmadan Al-Haddabi, Eman Omar Al-Ryami, and Fatma Said Al-Shamsi

The Challenges Facing M-commerce in Oman: A Business Perspective
Fatma Al-Kalbani and Zainab Al-Shandoudi
Session M4.3:  Knowledge Management IV                              Delima
Session Chair: K. Kalpana

Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge-Based Institutions
Jessica Sze-Yin Ho, Cheng Ming Yu, Lau Pei Mey

An ITIL-based Solution to Record and Retrieve Tacit and Explicit Knowledge based on Giga Knowledge Management Framework in the SME Companies
Mohammad Sharifi, Masarat Ayat, and Shamsul Sahibudin
Investigating the Optimal Number of Attributes to Manage Knowledge Performances
Mohammad Aizat b. Basir and Faudziah bt. Ahmad

A Framework for Faculty Memory Information System
Salimah Mokhtar, Zaitun Abu Bakar, and Wan Hasnira W.Husin

The Role of Centralized Knowledge Development Centre for Success of SME Sector
Kogilah Narayanasamy and M. V. Shetty

Session M4.4:  ICT in Healthcare II                                       Nilam
Session Chair: Najib Saylani 

Development of Customer Value Model for Healthcare Services
Wan-I Lee and Bih-Yaw Shih

As a Human Factor, the Attitude of Healthcare Practitioners is the Primary Step for the e-Health: First Outcome of an Ongoing Study in Morocco
Az-Eddine Bennani, Mounim Belalia, Rachid Oumlil

Improving Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) Practices through a Clinical Microsystem in the Malaysian Government Hospitals
Nik Azliza Nik Ariffin, Alwi Mohd Yunus, Zuhaida Che Embi

Tuesday July 01, 2008                                                     8:45 am – 10:00 am

Session T2.1:  Knowledge Management (V)                          Baidura 
Session Chair:  Lejla Vrazalic

The Importance of Learning to Differentiate between ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Knowledge
Matthew Hall, Stewart R. Clegg, and John Sillince

A Research Framework for Improving Personal Information Management Capabilities
Jean-Marc Charlot

Overcoming Human Barrier as a Measure towards Improved Knowledge Management
Sabitha Marican and  Siti Alida John Abdullah

Session T2.2:  Customer Relationship Management                        Berlian
Session Chair: Abd. Rahman Ahmad 

Tied Agents’ Customer Relationship Management Usage – Reasons, Barriers, and Support: An Exploratory Investigation in Insurance Industry
Li-wen Chen and Hsu-Kuan Jonathan Liu

CRM:  A Competitive Tool for Indian Banking Sector
Madhu Jasola and Shivani Kapoor

An Assessment on Service Quality in Malaysia Insurance Industry 
Affiaine Ahmad and Zalina Sungip

Session T2.3:  Internet Banking                                                   Delima
Session Chair: Lim Tong Ming

User Acceptance of Online Banking Service in Australia
Paul H.P. Yeow, Yee Yen Yuen, and David Yoon Kin Tong, and Nena Lim 

Phishing: A Growing Challenge for Internet Banking Providers in Malaysia
Gerald Goh Guan Gan, Tan Nya Ling, Goh Choon Yih, and Uchenna Cyril Eze

The Relative Importance of Trust and Usable Website Design in Building E-Loyalty Intention on Internet Banking
Nor Aziati Abdul Hamid

Session T2.4:  ICT Acceptance                                                  Nilam
Session Chair: Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait

Innovation and New Service Development in Select Private Life Insurance Companies in India
Lavanya Vedagiri Rao

A Multimodal Automated Fare Collection Solution for Facilitating Strategic Information Technology Planning of Public Transportation in Malaysia
 Saadiah Yahya and Noriani Mohammed Noor

Marketing Practices in the Management of Romanian Organizations
Violeta Sima and Ileana Georgiana Gheorghe

Coffee Break                                                                 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Tuesday July 01, 2008                                                     10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Session T3.1:  Online Social Networks                                      Baidura 
Session Chair:  Matthew Hall

Snob and Bandwagon Effects in Social Networking Websites 
Tamilla Mavlanova

Internet Based Social Lending
Harsh Dhand, Glen Mehn, Daniel Dickens, Aparna Patel, Dhruv Lakra, and Austin McGrath

Revisiting the Art of Collaboration in the Age of Internet
Saadat M. Alhashmi and Jawed Siddiqi

Session T3.2:  ICT  and Culture                                            Berlian
Session Chair: Mohamed Khalifa 

TAM vs. PCI: An Analysis on the Theoretical Model Parsimony and Robustness across Cultures
Yew-Siang Poong and Uchenna Cyril Eze 

Factors Influencing South African Attitudes toward Digital Piracy
Kimi van der Byl and Jean-Paul Van Belle

The Influence of Consumers’ Moral Intensity, Perceived Risks and Moral Judgment in Purchasing Pirated Software 
J.K. Ratnasingam  and C.H. Ponnu 

An Adoption of Semantic Web from the Perspective of Technology Innovation – A Qualitative Research Approach
Joo, Jaehun

Session T3.3:  GIS, Privacy, and Legal Issues                     Delima
Session Chair: Nena Lim

Geographical Bioinformatics Systems
Tariq Rahim Soomro, Ghassan Al-Qaimari, and Hassan Wahba

The Role of GIS on the Decision Making Process at Muscat Municipality: A SWOT analysis
Ammar Al-Fareed, Khalid Ambusaidi, Bader Al-Lamki, Abdullah Al-Farsi, and Kamla Al-Busaidi
Privacy in the Converged Communications Platform
Gita Radhakrishna

E-Business-Related Patents in A Globalised E-Economy : The Position In Asian Region
Jeong  Chun- Phuoc

Session T3.4:  Mobile Communication and Commerce             Nilam
Session Chair: Violeta Sima 

Mobile Data Services Usage: A Methodological Research Approach
Papadopoulos Homer

Marketing Mix Drivers of Clients Satisfaction in Technology-enabled Service: Study of Nigerian GSM Subscribers
Aminu Ahmad and Hartini Ahmad

Analysis of Mobile Users’ Perception Towards SMS Voting
Ng Kai Sin, Ainin Sulaiman, and Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait

Modelling User Trust and Mobile Payment Adoption: A Conceptual Framework
Uchenna Cyril. Eze, Gerald Goh Guan Gan, John Ademu, and Samson A. Tella

Tuesday July 01, 2008                                                     12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Session T4.1:  Keynote Speech Session  & Conference Chair            Baidura 
Session Chairs: Muhammad Najib Razali and  Khalid S. Soliman
Topics:  I City -  A New Knowledge City Project in Malaysia
Topic: Utilizing IBIMA Network to Publish More

Conference Lunch                                                           1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Tuesday July 01, 2008                                                     2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Session T5.1:  Internet and Innovation                                             Baidura 
Session Chair:  Saadat M. Alhashmi

An Overview of the Web Search Satisfaction
Fadhilah Mat Yamin and T. Ramayah

Software as a service: Analysis of ‘Google Sites’ as KM Tool for Academic Environment
Farooqui N.K.

Telecommunication Service Gap: Call Center Service Quality Perception and Satisfaction 
Mohammed Upal

Toward An Information and Communication Technology Development in Developing Countries
Mohammad M.F. Khasawneh and Huda Bt Hj. Ibrahim

Progress towards the Implementation of the National Innovation System in Tunisia
Refaat Chaabouni

Session T5.2:  IS Research                                          Berlian
Session Chair: Yusniza Kamarulzaman

Determinants of Information Technology Expenditure: A Contingent Model
Mohamed Khalifa and Kathy Ning Shen

Measuring Interaction: An Empirical Comparison of Three OLS Regression Models
Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait, Ainin Sulaiman, Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi

Motivational Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Decision: A Comparison between Malaysian Women Entrepreneurs and Women Non Entrepreneurs
Kavitha Raman, Anantharaman, R.N., and Sharmila Jayasingam

Exploring the Roles of Gender and Ethnicity as Antecedents of Trust in 3D Immersive Electronic Commerce
Kung-Keat Teoh and Eze Uchenna Cyril

Session T5.3:  Computer and Network Engineering        Delima
Session Chair: Mustafa Man

Multimedia Broadcasting System: An Implementation of GRUM With Recommended Technical Improvements For GRUM Communication Models
Lim Tong Ming, Chin Tek Min, Teh Chia Ching, and Chong Khong Mun

Measuring the Optimal Transmission Power of GSM Cellular Network: A Case Study
Basil M. Kasasbeh, Muzhir S. Al-Ani, Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, and Khalid T. Al-Sarayreh

Intellectual Capital of Enterprises in Thailand: Measurement Model by Baysean Network Algorithm
Anongnart Srivihok

MB-C: Check-in Mobile Application using Barcodes
Mohammed Samaka and Mohammed Hassan

Fuzzy Trust Approach for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
H. Hallani and S. A. Shahrestani

Session T5.4:  ICT in  Academia                                         Nilam
Session Chair: Xiaomei Guo 

3G Services Adoption among University Students: Diffusion of Innovation Theory
J. W. Ong, Yew-Siang Poong, Tuan Hock Ng

Framework for Orienting Engineering Undergraduate Final Year Projects towards New Product Innovation Process
Ammar Al-Shalabi, S. B. Chee, Narish Singh, and B. F. Yousif

Factors Affecting the Readiness of Malaysian Schools toward ICT Management: A Theoretical Context
Goh Pey Yun, Hishamuddin bin Ismail, and Md. Wahid Murad

NihonGo: A Computer-Aided Learning Package of Japanese Language for Beginner Level
Boon Why Lee, Siew Hock Ow, Seow Ping Quek, Siti Nur Hidayah, and Soon Sang Chong

Towards an Educational Model for the Knowledge Economy
Garyfallos Fragidis, Dimitrios Paschaloudis, and Maria Tsourela

Coffee Break                                                                 4:00 am – 4:30 am

Tuesday July 01, 2008                                                     4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Session T6.1:  Organizational Performance and IT Alignment & Control                Baidura 
Session Chair:  Wan Nur Rahini Aznie Zainudin 

The Control Environment, Employee Fraud and Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis
Zauwiyah Ahmad and Mariati Norhashim

The Impact of Technological Intensity on Market Orientation -- Performance Relationship
Abdul-Talib Asmat-Nizam, Norhayati Zakaria, and John W. Cadogan

 An Analysis on the Competitive Advantages of Garbage Incineration Power Plant
Xiaomei Guo and Luhe Wang

An Analysis of Competencies and Moderating Influence of Demographic Profiles - Evidence from Exporting Organizations
Jayanty Kuppusamy and R.N. Anantharaman

Session T6.2:  E-Business                                              Berlian
Session Chair: C.H. Ponnu 

Status of e-Business in Two Popular Retail Chains: A Review of Opportunities
M.V.Shetty, N Kogilah, Meyyappan Gopalan, and Hishamuddiin

The Determinants of Online Hotel Reservations among University Staffs
Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar and Fariza Hashim

The Utilization and Effectiveness of Intranet: A Case Study at Selected Malaysian Organizations
Ramlah Hussein, Mohamad Noorman Masrek, and Nor Shahriza Abdul Karim

EB Challenges and how to overcome them in Dubai 
Aisha Al Alawi and Joze Kuzic

Session T6.3:  ERP, Outsourcing, and Open Source Software    Delima
Session Chair: Mohammed Samaka

An Exploratory Study of Enterprise Architecture Practices in Malaysia
Rafidah Abd Razak and Zulkhairi Md. Dahalin

Privacy-Preserving Data Mining for Horizontally-Distributed Datasets Using ‎EGADP
Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi
Open Source Integration into Business Strategies: A Review
Showole Aminat, Ali Selamat, and Shamsul Sahibudin

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Virtual and Offshore Project Teams: Guidelines for Best Practice
Gabi Ruth Witthaus

Drivers of IT Backsourcing Decision
Siew Fan Wong

Session T5.4:  Project Planning and Development                       Nilam
Session Chair: Lavanya Vedagiri Rao 

Project Management Practices: The Criteria for Success or Failure
Iman Attarzadeh and Siew Hock Ow

eWorks: Development of a Web Based Site Assessment Software for Construction Progress Project
Mustafa Man, Mohd Hafriz Nural Azhan, Noor Maizura Mohamad Noor, Wan Aezwani Wan Abu Bakar, and Mahadi Man

Modern Project Management: Essential Skills and Techniques
Iman Attarzadeh and Siew Hock Ow

Strategic Planning of an Integrated Smart Card Fare Collection System: Challenges and Solutions
Saadiah Yahya and Noriani Mohammed Noor

End of research sessions activities

Field Trip Wednesday July 2, 2008  7:30am  - 4:30 pm  (Limited seats available)  

Keynote Speaker

Eu Hong Chew
Non- Executive Director
City -, MSC Cybercentre, MALAYSIA

Mr. Eu Hong Chew was appointed to the Board on 15 July 1999 and to his current position on 27 February 2008. He was educated at the RoyalMilitary College and possess a first class honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. He holds a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Bradford, United Kingdom.

He has been associated with the Sumurwang Group as its Chief Executive with many years of experience including charting the path for Sumurwang's manufacturing arm, firstly under Dreamland Holdings Berhad and its subsequent venture into the steel business and the acquisition of I-Berhad.  Prior to joining Sumurwang Group, he was with PA Management Consulting as a consultant for 10 years where he was also appointed Director of Studies for the Cranfield PA  MBA Programme in Malaysia