14-16 December 2006
Brescia, Italy

Conference CLOSED
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ISBN : 978-0-9753393-6-7

  • Welcome
  • Call for Papers
  • Conference Committee
  • Conference Themes
  • Accepted Papers
  • Special Topics Sessions
  • Recherche en Français
  • Important Dates
  • Registration
  • Conference Program
  • Conference Venue


The 7th IBIMA conference on Internet & Information Systems in the digital age will address a range of important themes with respect to Information Technology and its impact on organizations. 

The conference will be held in Brescia, Italy.  Brescia is a city in the region of Lombardy in northern Italy with a population of around 200,000. It is the second largest city in Lombardy region, after Milan.  Brescia's significant history in the Roman Empire and its proximity to Lake Garda, Lake Iseo and the Alps make the city a major attraction to travelers from all over the world.  The city is one hour from Milan by train and only 25 min. from Verona.  Also, It enjoys easy access to Venice, Bologna, and Genoa.  

The conference will include numerous papers and workshop presentations by academics and researchers from around the globe. Conference participants are welcome to submit full papers, short papers, extended abstracts, paper drafts, or invited session proposals. Please refer to call for papers.

The conference proceedings will be classified in 

  • EBSCO database
  • Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) index 
  • CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) index
  • InterDok


Selected papers will be considered for 
a special issue of Management Research News
an Emerald Publication


Send Submissions to:     Italy2006@ibima.org

Submissions instructions: Submit 2 files (in Microsoft Word OR in pdf)
First file with just complete author(s) information and e-mail(s)
Second file with just the paper without author(s) information for review purposes

If you are submitting to a special track, please indicate that in your e-mail

Call for Papers

Interested academics and practitioners are invited to submit:

  • Research papers: complete papers (5000 words max.) with complete references section. 
  • Short papers: this could be research in progress, abstracts, ideas you would like to explore with audiance at the conference, or draft of papers for possible co-authorship:  (max. 5 pages or 1000 words) 

IBIMA focuses on real-world business applications. Therefore, submitted papers should highlight the benefits and applications of managing information in industry, government, and services.  The idea of the conference is to discuss how to solve business problems or take advantage of new opportunities using IT.  All papers will be directed to the appropriate  theme and/or track.  All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution.  It is IBIMA policy to send complete papers to two reviewers for full blind peer review and to send a summary of review back to the author(s) . Short papers/abstracts will be reviewed by reviewer and/or the editor.  All review comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission.  Submitted Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference proceedings will be published as an e-book on a CD (ISBN:0-9753393-6-2)

Conference Committees

Conference Chair

Khalid S. Soliman, Hofstra University, USA khalid.soliman@hofstra.edu

Local Chair

Francesca Sgobbi, Università di Brescia, Italy francesca.sgobbi@unibs.it

Advisory Committee

John F. Affisco, Hofstra University, USA
Hesham H. Ali, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Emad Bataineh, Zayed University, UAE
Az-Eddine Bennani, Reims Management School, France
Emil Boasson, Ithaca College School of Business, USA
Imed Boughzala, GET/ Institut National des Telecommunications, France
Reggie Davidrajuh, Stavanger University College, Norway
Susana de Juana Espinosa, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Xiuzhen Feng, Beijing University of Technology, China
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland
Takao Ito, Ube National College of Technology, Japan
Mohammad Ayub Khan, Technologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Sherif Kamel, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Nabil Mzoughi, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Christiane E. Metzner, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
Roman Povalej, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Alcina Prata, ESCE, Portugal
Muhammad Najib Razali, Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia
Marcus Rothenberger, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA
Joseph Sarkis, Clark University, USA 
Najib Saylani, Hofstra University, USA
Magdy Serour, University of Technology - Sydney, Australia
Mark Srite, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee,  USA

Salvador Treviño, Technologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Abraham G. van der Vyver, Monash University, South Africa
Dianne Wingham, Australia
Paul H.P. Yeow, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Shumaila Y. Yousafzai, Cardiff University, UK 

Program Committee

(program committee member's name appears on this list only after reviewing at least one paper) 

Babak Abedin, University of New South Wales, Australia
Dhammika Abeysinghe, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Damminda _Alahakoon, Monash University, Australia 
Adel Ismail Al-Alawi, University College of Bahrain, Bahrain  

Fahim Akhter, Zayed University, UAE
Anis Allagui, ISG Gabes, Tunisia Excellent Constructive review
Péninou André, IUT Blagnac – Université Toulouse 2, France
Mahmoud Arayssi, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE
Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari, University: Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Hafiz Muhammad Asif, King Fahd University of  Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Saïd Assar, Institut National des Telecoms, France Excellent Constructive review
Ali Al-Badi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman 
Shamshul Bahri, University of Malaya, Malaysia Excellent Constructive review 
Maria Helena Lima Baptista Braz, IST Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
R H Barbour, Unitec University, New Zealand Excellent Constructive review
Stefanie Betz, University Karlsruhe (TH), Germany Excellent Constructive review
Nedra Bahri, ISCC-Bizerte, Tunisia Excellent Constructive review
Faouzi Bouslama, Canada
Irwin Brown, University of Cape Town, South Africa Excellent Constructive review
Martin Burgard, Saarland University, Germany Excellent Constructive review
Frada Burstein, Monash University, Australia Excellent Constructive review
Eulálio G. Campelo F., University of  Karlsruhe, Germany
Lourdes Canós Darós, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Rommert J. Casimir, Casimir Consulting and Tilburg University, Netherlands 
Ricardo A. Cattafi A., Universidad de Carabobo, Venzuela
Hsiao-Chi Chen, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Hua-Kai Chiou, China Institute of Technology, Taiwan   
Leonardo Cortez, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela          
José Diego De la Cruz, EPFL – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland Excellent Constructive review
Brian O. Cusack, AUT, New Zealand
Sagarmay Deb, University of Ballarat, Australia
Arif Djunaidy, Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia
Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek,  Institute INAOE, Mexico
Patrick Doran, Zayed University, UAE
Susana de Juana Espinosa, University of Alicante, Spain    
Uchenna C. Eze, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Sue Foster, Monash University, Australia Excellent Constructive review
Barbara Flügge, Otto-von-Guericke University / SAP (Switzerland) Ltd., Germany
José L. Fuertes, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi, Kairouan, Tunisia Excellent Constructive review
George Giannatos, Monash University, Australia
Jānis Grabis, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Robert Goodwin, Flinders University, Australia
Ricard Monclús Guitar, University of  Rovira I Virgili, Spain
Huong Ha, Monash University, Australia Excellent Constructive review
Raija Halonen, University of Oulu, Finland
Suraya Hamid, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Muzaffar Hamzah, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Ramzi A. Haraty, Lebanese American University, Lebanon 
Béat Hirsbrunner, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Excellent Constructive review
Kevin K.W. HO, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Excellent Constructive review
Anne Honkaranta, Jyväskylä University, Finland  Excellent Constructive review
Inga Hunter, Massey University, New Zealand
Ewa Huebner, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Husnayati Hussin, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Uchenna C. Eze, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Khamis Nasser Al-Gharbi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Pedro Isaias, Universidade Aberta, Portugal  
Thierry Isckia, INT Management, France Excellent Constructive review
Michael C. Jaeger, TU Berlin, Germany
Aida Matri Ben Jemaa, ISG Tunis, Tunisia
Nazean Jomhari, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Damir Kalpic, Zagreb University, Croatia Excellent Constructive review
Noorliza Karia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Stan Karanasios, Victoria University, Australia
Saeed Q. Al-Khalidi, King Khalid University, KSA
Ahmad Khasawneh, Hashemite University, Jordan 
Khalid Khawaja, American University in Dubai, UAE
Halim M. Khelalfa, University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE
Christophe Kolski, University of Valenciennes, France Excellent Constructive review
George Kostopoulos, American University of Kuwait, Kuwait
Girija Krishnaswamy, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Azzedine Lansari, Zayed University, UAE
Euripidis  N.  Loukis, University of  the Aegean, Greece Excellent Constructive review
Sam Lubbe, UKZN, South Africa
Michael MacDonnell, University College Dublin, Ireland
Garth R. MacKenzie, University of Maryland University College, USA
Maria Augusta Soares Machado, IBMEC, Brasil
Adel H. Salih Al-Mafrji, Qatar University, Qatar
Settapong Malisuwan, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, Thailand
Leila Jamel Menzli, National School of Computer Science, Tunisia
Roberto Martinez G., ITESM, Mexico
Sonali Morar, Brunel University, UK Excellent Constructive review
Tahir Naeem, COMSATS IIT, Pakistan
Reija Nurmeksela, University of Jyväskylä, Finland  Excellent Constructive review
Khamis Omar, PSUT, Jordan
Asem Omari, Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany
Roslina Othman, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia 
Wayne Pease, University of Southern Queensland, Australia Excellent Constructive review
Shushma Patel, London South Bank University, UK
Franca Piazza, Saarland University, Germany Excellent Constructive review    
Ahmed A. Al-Qatamin, Mu'tah University, Jordan
Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, University of Quebec, Canada
Gianmarco Radice, University of Glasgow, UK
Nayem Rahman, Intel Corporation, USA  
Jaime Ramírez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Abdullah Rashed, Saba University, Yemen
Sri Devi Ravana, University of Malaya, Malaysia  Excellent Constructive review
Akram  Al-Rawi, King Faisal University, KSA
Hugo Rehesaar, Griffith University, Australia
Tony Rhodes, Zayed University,UAE
Tomislav Rozman, University of Maribor,Slovenia
Mohammed Samaka, Qatar University, Qatar
Tran Sébastien, Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle, France
Albert Henry Seymour Scott, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong  
Sean W. M. Siqueira, UNIRIO, Brazil
Alan Sixsmith, University of Technology-Sydney, Australia
Greg Skulmoski, Zayed University, UAE  
Jeffrey Soar, University of Southern Queensland, Australia  Excellent Constructive review
Javier Soriano, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 
Gabriele Stoppa, University of Trento, Italy Excellent Constructive review
Reima Suomi, Turku School of Economics, Finland 
Mahbubur R Syed, Minnesota State University, USA
Sabah N. Abdul-Wahab AL-Tamimi, Al Ghurair, UAE  
Beldjilali Tarik, Moncton University, Canada
Elissar Toufaily, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Alexei Tretiakov, Massey University, New Zealand
Abdallah Tubaishat, Zayed University, UAE
Zijiang Yang, York University, Canada
William Yeoh, University of South Australia, Australia 
Mohammed Younes, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE
Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, CNAM & ESSEC, France
Ari M. Wahlstedt, Univeristy of Jyväskylä, Finland
Edgar R. Weippl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria 
Dick Whiddett, Massey University, New Zealand    
V. Wolfengagen, Institute “JurInfoR-MSU”, Russian 
Yahya H. Alzoubi, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Hossein S. Zadeh, RMIT University, Australia
Ameena  Zafar, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Pakistan
Gregor Zellner, University of Regensburg, Germany
Abdollah Aghaie, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran 
Basil Dudin, Lancaster University, UK
Soumaya Ben Dhaou, University of Dauphine/UQAM, Canada  Excellent Constructive review
Yousra Essid, University of Dauphine/UQAM, Canada  Excellent Constructive review
Sharifah Lailee Syed-Abdullah, University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Mirja Pulkkinen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Indrawati Nataatmadja, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia  
Roland Kaschek, Massey University, New Zealand Excellent Constructive review
Ida Pu, University of London, UK
Silvana Vanesa Aciar, University of Giona, Spain
Maria João Viamonte, Institute of Engineering of Porto, Portugal 
De Meyer Geert, Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Belgium  
Zaigham Mahmood, Derby University, UK                   
Bendick Mahleko, International University Bremen, Germany 
Ahmed BinSubaih, Sheffield University, UK 
Fayez Ahmad Albadri, Macquarie University, Australia
Arabi Keshk, Menofia University, Egypt
Houssein Hallani, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Christine Van Toorn, University of New South Wales, Australia
Luis Vicente Casaló Ariño, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain Excellent Constructive review
Evren Bulut, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg  
Djilali Benmahamed, INT Evry, France
Pr. Florence Sèdes, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, France
Wojciech R. Wiza, Poznań University of Economy, Poland
Ahmed El-Ragal, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt  
Atlam El-Sayed, Tokushima University, Japan 
Ikram Amous, ISECS SFAX, Tunisia
Siavash Jandeh-Razmi, Razmitech Information Technology, New Zealand     
Fadi Thabtah, Huddersfield University, UK 
Anita Mirijamdotter, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Miguel Guinalíu, University of Zaragoza, Spain 
Yong-Kang Ji, Shanghai  Jiao Tong University, China
Angel Grediaga, University of Alicante, Spain
Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland Excellent Constructive review
Amandeep Verma, Punjabi University Patiala, India
Hanène Jomaa, CIGREF – ENST Paris, France
Riadh Hadj M'Tir, ENSI, Tunisia                  
Haitham Alshibly, University of Newcastle, Australia
Danie van der Westhuizen, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 
Josef Basl, University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic 
Bollampally Kalyan Raghav, USTL, France 
Claire Gauzente, University of Angers, France
Markus Bick, ESCP-EAP European School of Management, Germany Excellent Constructive review

Conference Themes

Possible conference topics of interest

E-Business and Internet Computing
May include issues in
  • B2B and B2C Applications 
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • E-Procurement and Web-based supply chain management 
  • Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions
  • E-Learning, e-Training, and e-Teams 
  • Intranet and Extranet Business Applications 
  • Agents for Internet Computing 
  • Web Information Agents 
  • Application Service Providers
  • Case studies on Electronic Commerce  
  • Public sector applications of e-Commerce  
  • Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications
  • Object Orientation in Internet and Distributed Computing 
  • RFID, digital tags, and smart labels
  • Global positioning systems and service delivery

E-government Applications
May include issues in

  • E-government strategies and implementation procedures
  • E-government portals and their role in disseminating the use of e-government
  • E-government issues in government-to-citizens relationships
  • E-government issues in government-to-businesses relationships 
  • Intergovernmental issues in local and state e-governments
  • Legal and political issues in e-government
  • E-government and M-government best practices
  • Infrastructure requirements of hardware, software, communication technologies.
  • Social, technical, and economical aspects of e-government
M-Commerce Applications
May include issues in

  • Mobile commerce business models
  • Wireless application providers 
  • Global positioning systems and service delivery
  • M-commerce adoption and diffusion 
  • Social, legal, and security issues
  • M-commerce best practice
  • Research in M-commerce
  • M-commerce delivery modes
  • M-commece and financial services
  • M-commerce and customers' experience
Software Engineering and Technologies
May include issues in

  • Software engineering of e-business systems
  • Software frameworks for e-business systems
  • Software standards for e-business systems
  • Agent-mediated e-commerce
  • Knowledge extraction and search
  • Knowledge-based solutions
  • Prospects of the Semantic Web for e-commerce research and applications
  • Mass Personalization Technologies
  • User Modeling and Customer Profiling
  • Privacy and Anonymizing Applications
  • Data Mining techniques
Decision Support Systems
and Artificial Intelligence

May include issues in

  • Strategic Decision Support Systems 
  • Group Decision Support Systems 
  • Applications of Expert Systems 
  • Transaction processing systems and online transactions
  • Data Warehouses and Datamining
  • Multimedia Database Applications
  • Web and Mobile Databases
  • Distributed Database Applications
  • Object-Oriented Database Systems
  • Database Security
  • Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence 
  • Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network applications
  • Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems 
  • Intelligent Social Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence Applications 
  • Case-Based Reasoning Systems
  • Knowledge-based Systems Engineering
  • Knowledge Management
Information Systems
May include issues in

  • Customer relationship management 
  • Business process re-design (BPR)
  • Total quality management (TQM)
  • Cycle time reduction (CTR)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Virtual organization management
  • Outsourcing
  • End user Computing
  • Application Service Providers (ASP)
  • Telecommuting
  • IS Security
  • Just-in-time Inventory management
  • Data Centers
  • Modern information systems issues, trends, and challenges
Organizational Transformation
May include issues in

  • E-business integration
  • adoption and diffusion of emerging technologies
  • Managing emerging technologies
  • Telecommuting and employees productivity
  • Change management and organizational performance measures
  • Just-in-time training on emerging technologies
  • Polices and management issues on the adoption of emerging technologies
  • IS department role in transforming organizations
  • E-mail usage, monitoring, and privacy issues.
  • Organizational Issues on Systems Integration  
  • Organizational change
  • User information satisfaction
Enterprise Systems Integration and ERP
May include issues in

  • Enterprise Systems and competitive advantage
  • Enterprise Systems performance and evaluation
  • Enterprise Systems and Enterprise Application Integration 
  • Business Porcess Re-design
  • ERP package selection and implementation approaches
  • ERP Management
  • ERP and Industry Solutions
  • ERP market, ERP vendors strategies, and ERP software solutions
  • Middleware Integration 
  • Legacy Systems and migration issues
  • Client-Server Architecture
  • Extended ERP and web-based ERP

List of Accepted Papers

Special Topics Sessions

The efforts of the Special Topics Sessions' Organizers will be recognized as follows:

  • The registration fee of the session organizer will be waived if at least 4 authors of invited papers register at the conference.
  • Session organizers names will appear on the conference proceedings as Associate Editors  

You can also submit a proposal to organize a special topics sessionworkshop, and/or tutorial.  The of organizing a special topic session is that it brings together researchers and audience together to discuss a specific research question of interest and/or share your research efforts with others who have worked in the same area.  These sessions could result in joint research efforts and/or co-authorship of journal articles. Special topics session are highly beneficial if they are well organized.

Proposals to organize a special topic session should include the following information: name and address, e-mail of proposer, title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of the session, and a short description on how the session will be advertised. Usually, session proposers solicit papers from colleagues and researchers whose work is known to the session proposer.  E-mail proposal to the conference chair at khalid.soliman@hofstra.edu 
Each special topic session will have at least 3 paper. The session chairs will be responsible for all aspects of their sessions; including, soliciting papers, reviewing, selecting, etc.  The review process for invited sessions will strictly follow the review process for regular submission.  Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution.  Each paper will be exposed to a full blind peer review by two reviewers in the topical area.  Final camera-ready papers will be reviewed by one reviewer.  Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Appel à communications

Tous les chercheurs, universitaires et praticiens s'intéressant aux thèmes de la conférence sont invités à soumettre leurs communications. Deux types de contributions pourront être présentées :

  • Papiers de recherche en format long: pour les travaux aboutis (5000 mots max) avec la liste complète des références.
  • Papiers en format court : pour les recherches en cours, résumés, idées que vous voudriez discuter avec l'audience à la conférence ou ébauche des papiers pour une éventuelle co-écriture : (5 pages max ou 1000 mots)

Les papiers seront évalués par rapport à leur originalité, leur cohérence, leur clarté et leur contribution scientifique. Chaque papier sera révisé en aveugle à l'aide d'une grille d'évaluation. Les papiers de recherche seront révisés par les membres du comité scientifique. Les papiers en format court seront révisés par l'éditeur. Chaque auteur recevra après la révision de son papier une fiche de synthèse des évaluations. Les commentaires et suggestions de cette révision doivent être prises en compte dans la soumission finale.
Les papiers soumis ne doivent pas avoir été précédemment édités ou actuellement soumis pour publication dans d'autres conférences ou revues.

Les actes de la conférence seront édités sous forme d'un e-book sur un CD (ISBN:0-9753393-6-2)

Tous les papiers se rattacheront à l'un des thèmes proposés.

Thèmes de la Conférence

Les thématiques visées peuvent se regrouper dans les rubriques suivantes :


  • Applications B2B et B2C
  • Échange de Données Informatisé (EDI)
  • E-procurement et  Supply Chain Management (e-SCM)
  • Les places de marché: portails, enchères, e-learning, et équipes virtuelles
  • Applications Intranet et Extranet
  • Agents Intelligents sur le web
  • Fournisseurs d'Applications hébergées (ASP)
  • Études de cas en commerce électronique
  • Applications e-Commerce du secteur public
  • Applications Web interactives et multimédia
  • Orienté objet dans Internet et l'informatique distribué
  • RFID, tatouages numériques et étiquettes intelligentes
  • Système de positionnement par satellite (GPS) et livraison de services

Applications e-Administration / e-Gouvernement

  • Stratégie en e-gouvernement et procédures d'implémentation
  • Portails e-gouvernement et leur rôle dans la dissémination de l'utilisation du l'e-gouvernement
  • Problématiques de l'e-gouvernement dans les relations Gouvernement-à-citoyen (G2C)
  • Problématiques de l'e-gouvernement dans les relations Gouvernement -à-entreprise (G2B)
  • Problématiques de l'intergouvernemental dans l'e-gouvernement local et d'état
  • Problématiques légales et politiques de l'e-gouvernement
  • les meilleures pratiques en e-gouvernement et en M-gouvernement
  • Infrastructures requises en matière de matériel, logiciel et technologies de la communication.
  • Aspects sociaux, techniques, et économiques de l'e-gouvernement

Applications M-Commerce

  • Modèles d'affaires du M-commerce
  • Fournisseurs d'applications sans fil (WAP)
  • Système de positionnement par satellite (GPS) et livraison de services
  • Adoption et diffusion du M-commerce
  • Aspects sociales, légales et sécuritaires
  • Meilleures pratiques en M-commerce
  • Recherche dans le domaine du M-commerce
  • Modes de livraison en M-commerce
  • M-commece et services financiers
  • M-commerce et expérience des consommateurs

Génie Logiciel et Technologies

  • Génie logiciel des systèmes e-business
  • Ateliers logiciels pour les systèmes e-business
  • Normes logicielles pour des systèmes e-business
  • e-commerce des Agents médiatisés
  • Extraction et recherche des connaissances
  • Solutions à base de connaissance
  • Perspectives du Web sémantique dans la recherche et dans les applications d'e-commerce
  • Technologies de personnalisation de masse
  • Modélisation d'utilisateur et profilage de consommateur
  • Applications pour la vie privée et l'anonymat
  • Techniques d'extraction des données (data mining)

Systèmes d'Aide à la Décision et Intelligence Artificielle

  • Systèmes d'aide à la décision Stratégique
  • Systèmes d'aide à la décision collective (de groupe)
  • Applications des systèmes experts
  • Systèmes de traitement transactionnel et transactions en ligne
  • Entrepôts et exploration de données (Data warehouses et Data mining)
  • Applications de bases de données Multimédia
  • Bases de données sur le web et mobiles
  • Applications de bases de données distribuées
  • Systèmes de base de données orientés object
  • Sécurité des bases de données
  • Applications industrielles de l'intelligence artificielle
  • Applications de la logique floue et des réseaux de neurones
  • Coordination des systèmes Multi-Agents
  • Agents sociaux intelligents et applications d'intelligence artificielle distribuée
  • Systèmes de raisonnement à base de cas (CBR)
  • Ingénierie des systèmes à base de connaissances
  • Gestion des Connaissances (KM)

Systèmes d'Information

  • Gestion de la relation client (CRM)
  • Re-ingénierie des processus métiers (BPR)
  • Gestion de la qualité totale (TQM)
  • Réduction de temps de cycle (CTR)
  • Gestion de la chaîne logistique (SCM)
  • Gestion des organisations virtuelles
  • Externalisation (Outsourcing)
  • Technologies de l'utilisateur final (End user computing)
  • Fournisseurs d'Applications hébergées (ASP)
  • Télé-travail
  • Sécurité des systèmes d'information
  • Gestion des stocks "juste à temps"
  • Centrales de données
  • Problématiques des systèmes d'information modernes, tendances et défis

Transformation Organisationnelle

  • Intégration de l'e-business
  • Adoption et diffusion des technologies émergentes
  • Gestion des technologies émergentes
  • Télétravail et productivité des employés
  • Mesure du changement managérial et de la performance organisationnelle
  • Formation "juste à temps" des technologies émergentes
  • Contrôle et management dans l'adoption des technologies émergentes
  • Rôle du département SI dans la transformation des organisations
  • Usage de la messagerie électronique, surveillance, et vie privée.
  • Problématiques organisationnelles de l'intégration de systèmes
  • Changement organisationnel
  • Satisfaction de l'utilisateur de l'information

Intégration des Infrastructures d'Entreprise et ERP

  • Infrastructures d'entreprise et avantage concurrentiel
  • Performance des infrastructures d'entreprise et évaluation
  • Infrastructure d'entreprise et EAI
  • Re-conception des processus métiers (BPR)
  • Sélection de paquetage ERP (Progiciel de Gestion Intégré) et démarches d'implémentation
  • Gestion des ERP
  • ERP et solutions industrielles
  • Marché ERP, stratégies des fournisseurs d'ERP et solutions logicielles ERP
  • Intégration de middleware
  • Systèmes de legs (legacy) et problématiques de migration
  • Architecture Client Serveur
  • ERP étendus et ERP basés sur le Web


Sessions Invitées

Vous pouvez également soumettre une proposition pour organiser une session parallèle, un atelier et/ou un tutorial. Organiser une session invitée permet de réunir des chercheurs pour discuter d'une question spécifique de recherche ou pour réfléchir autour thématique bien délimitée et complémentaire de la conférence et/ou pour partager vos résultats de recherche avec d'autres qui travaille sur le même domaine de recherche.
Les propositions de sessions invitées doivent inclure clairement les informations suivantes: nom du ou des organisateurs, affiliation, adresse, courriel, titre de la session, une description de 100 mots du thème de la session et une courte description sur la façon dont la session sera annoncée. Habituellement, les organisateurs de sessions sollicitent des papiers à leurs collègues et à des chercheurs dont les travaux leur sont connus.
Les propositions doivent être envoyées par mail au président de la conférence : khalid.soliman@hofstra.edu

Chaque session invitée comptera au moins trois papiers. Les présidents de session seront responsables de tous les aspects de leurs sessions; y compris, l'appel à communication, la révision, la sélection, etc. Le processus de révision pour des sessions invitées est strictement le même pour les soumissions régulières. Les papiers seront évalués par rapport à leur originalité, leur cohérence, leur clarté et leur contribution scientifique. Chaque papier sera révisé en aveugle par deux évaluateurs du domaine de recherche en question. La version finale sera révisée par un seul évaluateur. Les papiers soumis ne doivent pas avoir été précédemment édités ou actuellement soumis pour publication dans d'autres conférences ou revues.

  • Les frais d'inscription de l'organisateur de session sera éliminés si au moins 4 auteurs de papiers invités enregistrent à la conférence
  • Les efforts des organisateurs des sessions invitées seront reconnus pendant la conférence. Leurs noms apparaîtront sur les actes de la conférence comme Editeurs Associés.


Présentations virtuelles

Toute personne ne pouvant pas se déplacer pour assister à la conférence mais souhaitant quand même y participer, une présentation virtuelle des travaux est possible. Une présentation virtuelle permet aux participants de soumettre leurs papiers pour référencement et publication dans les actes de la conférence tout comme pour un papier régulier. Les participants virtuels recevront une copie complète des actes de la conférence.

Le processus de révision pour les présentations virtuelles est strictement le même pour les soumissions régulières.

Les papiers seront évalués par rapport à leur originalité, leur cohérence, leur clarté et leur contribution scientifique. Chaque papier sera révisé en aveugle à l'aide d'une grille d'évaluation. Chaque auteur recevra après la révision de son papier une fiche de synthèse des évaluations. Les commentaires et suggestions de cette révision doivent être prises en compte dans la soumission finale. Les papiers soumis ne doivent pas avoir été précédemment édités ou actuellement soumis pour publication dans d'autres conférences ou revues.

* Veuillez noter qu'une présentation virtuelle ne signifie pas que vous pouvez exposer en direct en ligne (par exemple Internet streaming ou télé-conference).

Dates Importantes

  • Soumission des papiers : Fermé
  • Notification de l'avis d'acceptation : Fermé
  • deuxième phase Date limite de soumission des papiers: Fermé
  • deuxième phase Date limite de réception des versions finales des papiers : Fermé
  • deuxième phase Date limite d'inscription : Fermé


Important Dates

  • Paper Submission: Closed
  • Notification of Acceptance: Within 3 week from submission date (in most cases)
  • 2nd Phase Paper submission deadline: November 5, 2006
  • 2nd Phase Camera ready submission: November 20. 2006
  • 2nd Phase Registration fee deadline: November 20, 2006

Important note: Please be advised to send your paper the earliest possible to allow us to receive the reviews in a timely fashion. The review time tends to increase if you submit your paper right on the deadline date due to large number of submissions around deadlines.


The conference is closed

Conference Program

Best Western Hotel Master in Brescia, Italy is the official location for the 7th IBIMA Conference on The Internet & Information Systems in the Digital Age.


Hotel Address:
Best Western Hotel Master,
Via Luigi Apollonio, 
72, Brescia, 25128 
tel: +39 030 399037


Several international airports are available close to Brescia:

Verona airport (64 km from Brescia - connected via aerobus + railway),

Brescia airport (20 km from the city center, but only one daily connection with London Stansted), https://www.aeroportobrescia.it/page_content.asp

Bergamo airport (Orio al Serio, 50 km from Brescia, shuttle bus to Brescia or shuttle bus to Bergamo + railway), 

Milano Linate airport (100 km from Brescia, bus to Milan Central Station + railway), 

Milano Linate airport (150 km from Brescia, intercontinental hub, train to Milan Cadorna + train to Brescia from Milan Central Station), 

Please note the following conference presentation guidelines:

  • Each presentation has 20 - 25 min. followed by  5 min discussion.
  • Session chairs will coordinate presentations in their respective sessions
  • There will be LCD projector available in every session room.  Please prepare your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 or 2003 (to insure compatibility) and save your files on a flash (USB) drive and on a CD just in case.  Also, it is recommended that you email your presentation to yourself on a web-based client (hotmail, yahoo, etc.).  NO Floppy Disks OR Transparencies Please.  
  • It would be a good idea to bring your own laptop to insure that your paper is presented properly.
  • Every registered participant will be issued a name tag that he/she should wear at all times.  No one without name tag will be allowed into the conference area


Conference Program
Please use your browser find option to locate your name and session

Thursday, Dec. 14, 2006                                                    8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Thursday Dec. 14, 2006                                                     9:30 am – 10:30 am

Session Th1.1: Opening Session                                                     Room 1           
Session Chair: Francesca Sgobbi

Conference Chair's Opening Remarks
Khalid S. Soliman, Hofstra University, USA

Coffee Break                                                                 10:30 am – 11:00 am

Thursday Dec. 14, 2006                                                    11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Session Th2.1: E-commerce and Online Trust                              Room 1           
Session Chair: Francesca Michelino

The Role of Trust in the Development of Participative Virtual Communities
Luis V. Casaló, Carlos Flavián, and Miguel Guinalíu

Factors Influencing Irish Consumers’ Trust in Internet Shopping
Regina Connolly and Frank Bannister

Encouraging International E-commerce Through a Real-Time Landed Cost Engine
Aaron Ortloff and Nicole Ortloff-Wensel

Session Th2.2: Software Development                                          Room 2           
Session Chair: Janis Grabis

Managing Usability Requirements in Interactive Systems Development
Ghassan Al-Qaimari

O4B: An OPEN Methodology for Trustworthy Software
Magdy K. Serour

Open Source Software Use in South African Organisations: An Empirical Research Report
F. Mosoval, L. Gough, B. Hart, T. Kadungure and K. Johnston

Thursday, Dec. 14, 2006                                                        2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Session Th3.1:  Supply Chain Management & ERP                        Room 1           
Session Chair: Regina Connolly

Internet and Supply Chain Management: Adoption Modalities for Italian Firms
Federica Bianco, Mauro Caputo, and Francesca Michelino

Supply Chain Management And Economic Performance: Some Evidences From African’s Companies
Alidou Ouedraogo

Impact of the Supply Chain Management and ERP System on the Organizational Performance and the Competitive Advantage: Case of Tunisian Companies 
Nabil Mzoughi, Wafa Touil, and Nedra Bahri

Best Practice Business Processes in ERP systems and SMEs
Ravi Seethamraju

Session Th3.2:  Business Intelligence & Enterprise Applications        Room 2       
Session Chair: Ghassan Al-Qaimari

Business Intelligences in the Logistic Domain using Visual Information Extraction
José Aldo Díaz-Prado 

A Methodology for Integration of Spatial Data in Enterprise Applications
Janis Grabis, Janis Kampars, Martinš Bonders

Association Rules and Multi-Agents Architecture for a Transport’s Personalized Information System
Makram Soui, Khaled  Ghedira, Slim  Hammadi

Multi-Agent Model For Just-In-Time Production Systems
Hassen Hamouda, Khaled Ghedira, Lobna Hsairi 

Towards Traffic Delay Estimation using Fuzzy Logic
Irfan Younas, Azam I Rauf, Wasim Hashmi Syed

Friday Dec. 15, 2006                                                        9:00 am – 10:30 am

Session F1.1:  E-Business and E-Government                                 Room 1           
Session Chair: Markus Helfert

Meeting the Online Challenge: The South African Travel Industry
Adrie Stander and Faisel Mosoval 

Managing e-government projects failure and risks
Fatma Bouaziz

Electronic Government & Online Service Quality: Methodological
Regina Connolly and Frank Bannister

E-distinctivity parameter to evaluate an e-business idea
Guendalina Capece

Session F1.2: Systems Development & data Management              Room 2           
Session Chair: Magdy Serour

Design Alternatives in Developing a Fuzzy Inference System for Measuring E-Readiness
Reggie Davidrajuh, Jan Erik Tvedterås, and Velauthapillai Dhayalan

Design of a Hybrid Recommender System: Personalization, Evaluation and Prediction
Souhir Hedfi and Abdelwahed Trabelsi 

Automatic Identification of Materialized Views Maintenance Scenarios in a Data Warehouse
Ines Ben Tekaya, Ali Ben Ammar, and Abdelaziz Abdellatif

Utilizing Java Technology And Corba For Developing Three-Tier Distributed Multimedia Database System
A S M Noor and M Y M Saman

Coffee Break                                                                 10:30 am – 11:00 am

Friday Dec. 15, 2006                                                        11:00 am – 12:15 am

Session F2.1: Group Decision                                             Room 1           
Session Chair:  Abdelaziz Abdellatif

Assessing Information Quality in Group Decision Making
Mouzhi Ge, Dublin City University, Ireland
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland

How has Internet Moderated the Role of Various Stakeholders in Service Management Decisions?
Mohammad Ayub Khan

A Pilot Investigation of the Determinants and Benefits of the Discussion Forum Use in the E-learning Context
Kamla Ali Al-Busaidi

Spanish Session  - Sección en Español

Session F2.2:  Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación     Room 2           
Session Chair: José Aldo Díaz-Prado 

Hacia la implementación de Nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación. Sus efectos en la Educación Superior
Luís F. Cruces Alcantar, Sonia L. Delfín Ávila, Claudia I. Carrillo Florez, and  Salvador Ibarra Martínez

Inteligencia Artificial Para Ayudar a Vender
Ronald Uriel Ruiz Ordóñez, Victor Manuel Ardila Soto, Yudith  E. Rodríguez, y 
Jenny L. Contreras

President's Lunch and Keynote Speech                12:15 pm – 2:00 pm

Keynote Speaker

Vincenzo Russi
Chief Operating and Technology Officer
CEFRIEL – Politecnico di Milano

(Full Biography of our distinguished speaker is at the end of this page)


Friday Dec. 15, 2006                                                2:00 pm – 3:30 am

Session F3.1:  Organizational Change & E-Readiness            Room 1           
Session Chair:  Mohammad Ayub Khan

Customized Organizational Change - A New Strategic Paradigm
Ronald Uriel Ruiz Ordóñez, Javier Guzmán Obando, and Yarinka Paola Correa

A Strategic Framework For Electronic Readiness Assessment
Ali N. Al-Solbi and Pam J. Mayhew

A Framework of Factors for determining the Degree of e-Readiness in the Constituent Sectors of Emerging Societies
Rembrandt Klopper and Sam Lubbe 

Business Transformation in Educational Institute: a Case Study in
Online Registration System
Jamil Al Shaqsi

Session F3.2: Security & Identity Management                        Room 2           
Session Chair:  Reggie Davidrajuh

Identity Management: The Importance, Obstacles and Rewards for Business
Stephen Humphreys, Maurice Abi-Raad, and Pradip K. Sarkar

ISCS (Information Security Check Service) for the Safety and Reliability of the Information and Communication Service
Jung-Hoon Suh, Jin-Tae Lee, Sang-Su Jang, and Jae-Il Lee

A Study on Technology for Checking the Duplication of Internet-based
Alternatives to the Korean Social Security Number
Jin-Soo Lim, KISA, Sang-Hwan Park, Seak-Lae Lee, and Jae-Il Lee.

Saturday Dec. 16, 2006                                                9:00 am – 10:30 am

Session S1.1: IS Adoption Issues                                    Room 1           
Session Chair: Sam Lubbe

The Influence of Societal Culture on the Adoption of Information Systems: The Case of Libya
Jamal Twati

Malaysian’s Acceptance towards the Multipurpose Smart National Identity
Card and Driving License
Paul H.P. Yeow, W.H. Loo, and S.C. Chong

An Evaluation And Investigation Of Critical Success Factors For Bridging
The Digital Divide in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
Ali N Al-Solbi

IS/IT Outsourcing in Oman: Success Factors
Zahran Al-Salti, Khamis Al-Gharbi, and Ahmed Al-Kindi

Session S1.2:  Session en Français                            Room 2           
Session Chair: Hassen Hamouda

Les Techniques de Génération des Recommandations
Souhir HEDFI et Abdelwahed TRABELSI 

Proposition d’une typologie de l’évolution de la relation G to C dans le contexte du développement de l’e-gouvernement
Ben Dhaou  Soumaya Intissar et Toufaily Elissar, et Gilles St-Amant, 

L’Internet et Les Liens Relationnels Entre Entreprises : Quel Impact Sur la Valeur Relationnelle
Aida Matri Ben Jemaa et Ahmed Ben Hamouda 

Contribution de la e-logistique à la fidélité du e-client
Nedra Bahri, Imene Ben Khala, et Nabil Mzoughi

Coffee Break                                                                 10:30 am – 11:00 am

Saturday Dec. 16, 2006                                                11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Session S2.1: Software Development II                                Room 1           
Session Chair: Paul H. P. Yeow

Environment Specific Design: A Performance Analysis of a Proposed Trading System Algorithm
Joseph Johnson and Houman Younessi

An Algorithm to Numerically Evaluate The Efficiency of A Search Engine Rank
Wadee S. Alhalabi, Miroslav Kubat, and Moiez Tapia

Modeling and Coordination of Group Activities Based on Information Technology
Mohammad Mahdi Jabbar and, Hamid Tohidi

Session S2.2:  IT Adoption & Implementation                               Room 2           
Session Chair: Nedra Bahri

Technology In Business: A Preliminary Study Of New Concept On Technopreneurship In Malaysia
Azizan Azit, Muhammad Najib Razali and David Martin

Health Information Systems: An Investigation In How Use IT to Support
Healthcare in a Developing Country
V Ramharuk, S Lubbe and R Klopper

Assessment of Mobile Internet Awareness and Practice
Ahmad Al-Khasawneh

The individual Acceptance of the Intranet
Rim Mosbeh and Khalid S. Soliman

End of Conference Activities


Keynote Speaker

Mr. Vincenzo Russi

Chief Operating and Technology Officer
CEFRIEL – Politecnico di Milano

Born in Lanciano, Italy, on 1st January 1959, Mr. Vincenzo Russi has been working in ICT for more than 20 years, 8 of which have been dedicated to management consulting and international corporate operations. In 2002, he joined CEFRIEL, as Chief Technology Officer, and since 2005 has held the position of Chief Operating Officer.  

CEFRIEL is the ICT Center of Excellence For Research, Innovation, Education and industrial Labs partnership. Since 1988, CEFRIEL has been active as one of the main centers for technology transfer in the field of Information and Communication Technology, becoming one of the leading Italian actors in ICT research, innovation and education. 

In his previous professional experience, Russi was Global Vice President of HdP (Holding di Partecipazioni Industriali, nowadays RCS Mediagroup) and Chief Executive Officer of Fila Net Inc. (a company founded in Boston to manage the logistic and distributive operations of Fila Holding).  During his experience in the USA, he was member of the board of the Network of Italian Enterprises, and was appointed to co-operate with the Business Advisory Council of the American Congress for Small Medium Enterprises.

In 1997, he joined Ernst & Young, where he was a Partner of Ernst & Young Consultants and, consequently, Vice President of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young.  Before that, in Olivetti Solutions he managed various projects for retail, public authorities, and banking sectors, with the responsibility of business lines at international level. He was also the leader of an international team of the Olivetti research & development division for the development of software platforms for public authorities and multinational banking, retail and petroleum companies. In San José California he founded Easy Channel, a software company specialized in software solutions for the retail market. 

Mr. Russi began his career at Selenia Group, where he was responsible for the development of operating system components in satellite, aerospace and military environments.   

Mr. Russi has been lecturer at Politecnico di Torino and faculty member of the Master in Computer Science Engineering at that University.  Since September 2003, he has been professor of Information Systems & Management at the International MBA of MIP, the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, and professor of Information Technology Architectures at the University Master in Product Lifecycle Management. 

In the course of his career, Mr. Russi has published articles concerning technological and business subjects for prestigious international publications, and has been a keynote speaker at numerous ICT and business conferences in the USA, UK, France, and Italy.

Conference Closed