6-7 November 2010
Cairo, Egypt

Conference CLOSED
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ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5

  • Welcome
  • Call for Papers
  • Conference Committee
  • Conference Themes
  • Accepted Papers
  • Special Topics Sessions
  • Recherche en Français
  • Important Dates
  • Registration
  • Conference Program
  • Conference Venue


The 15th IBIMA conference on Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective will be held in Cairo, Egypt 6-7 November 2010.

Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa and the Middle East.  Established 1000 years ago, the city is one of the most populated cities in the world and has long been known to be a center of the region's political and cultural life.  Cairo has a unique mix of Ancient Egyptian, Coptic, and Islamic cultures.  It encompasses many museums and numerous historic buildings of the city's many rulers - Arab, Roman, Greek, Turkish, British, and French. Further, it is located in a very close proximity to Great Sphinx and the pyramids.  

The Month of November is one of the best months to travel to Cairo due to the excellent cooler autumn weather.   

This major international conference will address a range of important themes with respect to Information Management, General Business, Marketing, Human Resources, Economics, and Finance in organizations. 

The conference will include numerous papers and workshop presentations by academics and researchers from around the globe.  Conference participants are welcome to submit full papers, short papers, extended abstracts, paper drafts, or invited session proposals. Please refer to call for papers.

Send all submissions to: CLOSED

Submissions instructions: Submit 2 files (in Microsoft Word OR in pdf)
First file with just complete author(s) information and e-mail(s) 
Second file with just the paper without author(s) information for review purposes

There is no paper format for submissions.  Once your paper is accepted by reviewers, authors will receive an acceptance package that includes IBIMA's format guildlines for camera ready publication.

If you are submitting to a special track, please indicate that in your e-mail

Conference Chair

Khalid S. Soliman
International Business Information Management Association, USA

Program Chair

Sherif Kamel
American University in Cairo

Call for papers

Interested academics and practitioners are invited to submit:

  • Research papers: complete papers (5000 words max.) with complete references section. 
  • Short papers: this could be research in progress, abstracts, ideas you would like to explore with audiance at the conference, or draft of papers for possible co-authorship:  (max. 5 pages or 1000 words) 

IBIMA focuses on real-world business applications.  Therefore, submitted papers should highlight the benefits and applications of managing information in industry, government, and services.  The idea of the conference is to discuss how to solve business problems or take advantage of new opportunities using IT.  All papers will be directed to the appropriate  theme and/or track.  All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. 

Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution.  It is IBIMA policy to send complete papers to two reviewers for full blind peer review and to send a summary of review back to the author(s) .  Short papers/abstracts will be reviewed by reviewer and/or the editor.  All review comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission.  Submitted Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference proceedings will be published as an e-book on a CD (ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5) 

*IBIMA reserves the right to accept or reject any research/short paper proposal/submission. Reasons for rejection include, but are not limited to: topics not fitting the conference program main theme or panel subjects, insufficient space on the conference program, failure to meet professional obligations in prior IBIMA conferences (e.g., not completing a paper, not delivering a paper on time, failure to appear for a scheduled slot), failure to register for the conference, unprofessional conduct, or any other reason

Conference Committees

Conference Chair

Khalid S. Soliman, International Business Information Management Association, USA

Local Chair

Sherif Kamel American University in Cairo  Egypt skamel@aucegypt.edu


Advisory Committee

John F. Affisco, Hofstra University, USA
Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Hesham H. Ali, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Najiba Benabess, Norwich University, Northfield, USA
Az-Eddine Bennani, Reims Management School, France
Emil Boasson, Central Michigan University, USA
Regina Connolly, Dublin City University, Ireland
Reggie Davidrajuh, Stavanger University College, Norway
Susana de Juana Espinosa, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Xiuzhen Feng, Beijing University of Technology, China
Mohammad Ayub Khan, Technologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Sherif Kamel, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Roman Povalej, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Alcina Prata, ESCE, Portugal
Muhammad Najib Razali, Universiti Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Joseph Sarkis, Clark University, USA
Najib Saylani, Hofstra University, USA
Magdy Serour, InContext Solutions, Australia
Amine Nehari Talet, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Mineral, KSA
Abraham G. van der Vyver, Monash University, South Africa
Dianne Wingham, Australia
Paul H.P. Yeow, Monash University, Sunway Campus, Malaysia

Program Committee

(program committee member's name appears on this list only after reviewing at least one paper)

Monal Abdel-Baki, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Jeihan M. O. Abu-Tayeh,  Saint Martin’s University,  Jordan Excellent Constructive Review
Abdelhamid Abdesselam, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Ghencea Adrian, Titu Maiorescu Bucharest, Romania
Hartini Ahmad, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review
Shihadeh Alqrainy, Albalqa’ Applied University, Jordan
Hend Al Muftah, Qatar University, Qatar
Ammar Al Shalabi, DeveNova Consulting, Canada  
Saif Said S Alsowaidi, Qatar University, Qatar
Ali M. Al-Khouri, Emirates Identity Authority, UAE
Mohamed Atwaeh AL-ma'aitah, AL-Balqa Applied University, Jordan  
Yahya Hasan Alzoubi, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
George Aoun, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon 
Imad Baalbaki, American University of Beirut, Lebanon Excellent Constructive Review
Amel Attour, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France Excellent Constructive Review
Mehmet N. Aydin, Isik University, Turkey
Tahar Lazhar AYED, High School of Business, Tunisia Excellent Constructive Review
C. K. Ayo, Covenant University, Nigeria
Imad Baalbaki, American University of Beirut, Lebanon Excellent Constructive Review
Mohamed Bakillah, Laval University, Canada Excellent Constructive Review
Vimala  Balakrishnan, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Samer Barakat, Applied Science University, Jordan    
Carolin Bauer, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom  
Wan Syahirah Binti Mohammad Zubir, Multimedia University, Malaysia        
Baile, S., Toulouse 1-Capitole & Groupe ESCT, Fance
Nousheen Tariq Bhutta, International Islamic University, Pakistan
Oualid (Walid) Ben Ali, Sharjah University, UAE
Najiba Benabess, Norwich University, USA
Ben Lallouna Hafsia Hajer, Higher School of Communication of Tunis, Tunisia  Excellent Constructive Review
Mihane Berisha-Namani, University of Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
Robert L. Bernard, Walden University, USA
Lasse Berntzen, Vestfold University College, Norway Excellent Constructive Review
Lorena Blasco, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Hafida Bouarfa, Blida, Algeria
Karim Bouamrane, University of Oran, Algeria  
Bouhadiba Farouk, A.N., Es-Sénia, Oran Algeria Excellent Constructive Review
Karim Bouzoubaa, Mohamed Vth University, Morocco Excellent Constructive Review
MIHAI BOTEZATU, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Adriana SCHIOPOIU BURLEA, University of Craiova, Romania
Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood, London School of Economics, UK
Lourdes Canos-Daros, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Excellent Constructive Review
Luís Cavique, Open University (Univ. Aberta), Portugal 
Chaari Nizar, UQAM, Canada
Justin Champion, University of Staffordshire, UK
Shu-Chen Chang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Karim Charaf, Burgundy School of Business, France  
T.K.S.Thamizh Chelvi, Madras University, India
Anushia Chelvarayan, Multimedian University, Malaysia  
Rui Chen, Ball State University, USA  Excellent Constructive Review
Tsai Chen, Fo Guang University, Taiwan, R.O.C
Li-Wen Chen, Chung-Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C  Excellent Constructive Review
YU  Chen, Renmin University of China, China
Régis Chenavaz, ESG Management School, France
Audrey Cheak Poh Choo, Multimedia University, Malaysia  Excellent Constructive Review
Mohamed Cherchem, Universite Of Oran Algeria, Algeria
Suciu Marta Christina, Academy Of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Susan Tee Suan Chin, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Laura Cismaş, West University of  Timisoara, Romania  
Carmen Nadia Ciocoiu, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest, Romania
Manique Cooray, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Jan Mendonca Correa, University of Brasilia, Brazil     
Radoslav Delina, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia Excellent Constructive Review
Sharimllah Devi, University Technical Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review
Patrick Doran, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Verena Dorner, University Passau, Germany
Marcela C. Revilla E., ITESM Mexico City Campus, Mexico
Mustafa Eid, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia Excellent Constructive Review
Noura Abdel Maksoud Abdullah Eissa, Arab Open University-Egypt Branch, Egypt
Meriem Elayoubi, IAE Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France  Excellent Constructive Review
Mohamed El-Mekawy, Stockholm University, Sweden
Jean-Louis Ermine, Telecom Business School, France
Jonathan Ezer, Rider University, USA
Jörn Franke, SAP Labs France S.A.S., France Excellent Constructive Review
Maria Joao Ferreira, Portucalense, Portugal
Lotfi GAMMOUDI, Manouba, ISCAE, Tunisia Excellent Constructive Review
Mouzhi Ge, TU Dortmud, Germany
Aurona Gerber, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
Sandro Geric, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Iuliana Georgescu, University “Al. I. Cuza”, Romania  
Mircea Georgescu, University “Al. I. Cuza”, Romania Excellent Constructive Review
Ramiro Gonçalves, Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Feliz Ribeiro Gouveia, University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal  
Robert Grosse, Tec de Monterrey, Mexico 
Mariem Gzara, University of Monastir, Tunisia
Moutaz Haddara, University of Agder, Norway 
Raija Halonen, University of Oulu, Finland Excellent Constructive Review
Ramzi A. Haraty, Lebanese American University, Lebanon
Najeh Hajlaoui, University of Grenoble, France
Sellami Mhiri Hedia, Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, Tunisia
Hazlaili Hashim, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Béat Hirsbrunner, : Fribourg University, Switzerland  Excellent Constructive Review
Jessica Sze-Yin Ho, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Ng Tuan Hock, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Chuah Min Hooi, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Woo Kok Hoong, New Era College And University Of Malaya, Malaysia
Ismarani Ismail, University Technology MARA, Malaysia 
Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review
Iacovoiu Viorela Beatrice, Oil and Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania  Excellent Constructive Review
Norhaiza Ishak, Multimedia University, Malaysia  
Mohammad Ismail, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
Norhaiza Ishak, Multimedia University, Malaysia  
Nicholas Ikhu-Omoregbe , Covenant University, Nigeria
Imad Jawhar, UAE University, UAE
Wassim Jaziri, ISIM Sfax, Tunisia  
Hasmida Jamaluddin, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Jaroslav Jandos, University of Economics Prague, Czech
Julio Jiménez, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Anne Julien, Reims Management School, France
Eleanna Kafeza, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece  
B. Kalpana, SRM University, India
Jasber Kaur, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, Malaysia
Nermin Khalifa, Arab Academy for Science & Technology, Egypt  
Omar Khalil, Kuwait University, Kuwait Excellent Constructive Review
Mohammad Ayub Khan, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Nawal Khelalfa El-Kahina, Blida University, Algeria
Cheah Phaik Kin, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Christophe Kolski, university of Valenciennes,France
Janet L. Kourik, Webster University, USA Excellent Constructive Review
Tan Pei Kian, Multimedia University, Malaysia    
Hsu Kuan (Jonathan) Liu, I-Shou Universit,  Taiwan
Lammari Nadira, CNAM-Paris, France
Norshidah Mohamed, International Islamic University, Malaysia
Mariati Binti Norhashim, Multimedia University, Malaysia  
Khairol Nizat Lajis, Multimedia University, Malaysia  
Valérie Lefievre, AUDENCIA Nantes, Nantes
Jean-François Lemoine, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France  
Tan Nya Ling, Christine, Multimedia University, Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review
Kathy J. Liszka, The Univ. of Akron, USA  
Chunhui (Maggie) Liu, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Keri Logan, Massey University, Wellington Campus, New Zealand 
Rosliza Mat-Zin, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Nehemiah Mavetera, North West University, South Africa
Oleksiy Mazhelis, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Excellent Constructive Review
Louizi Mehdi, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunisia
Othman Marini, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review
Mobashar Rehman, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,  Malaysia
Carlos Pons Morera, Universidad Politecnica De Valencia, Spain 
Gianmario MOTTA, University of Pavia, Italy
Homa Movahenejad, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia  Excellent Constructive Review
Ivo De Lotto, University Pavia, Italy  
Jason Wai-Chow Lee, Universiti Sains Malaysia   Country: Malaysia
Maria Augusta Soares Machado, Ibmec-RJ, Brazil
Radulescu Magdalena, University of Pitesti, Romania
Amin Daneshmand Malayeri, Malayer Azad University, Iran  
Pilar Herrero Martín, Facultad de Informática – UPM, Spain  
Cristina Santandreu Mascarell, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Ra’ed (Moh’d Taisir) Masa’deh, The University of Jordan, Jordan Excellent Constructive Review
Maslin Masrom, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia  
Mirela Matei, Petroleum and Gas University from Ploiesti, Romania 
Pam Mayhew, University of East Anglia, UK  
Y T McIntyre-Bhatty, University of Wales, Newport, UK  Excellent Constructive Review
Marianne Too Shing Mei, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Lau Pei Mey, Disted Collage, Malaysia
Jan A. Meyer , Milpark Business School , South Africa
Jashua R.Modapothala,Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak), Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review
Karol Molnar,Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Caroline Mothe, University de Savoie, france
Samar Mouakket, University of Sharjah, Sharjah  Excellent Constructive Review
Francesca Michelino, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy 
Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN, “Dunărea de Jos” Galaţi, Romania
Mihaela Neculita, Dunarea De Jos University, Romania       
Mostafa Nejati, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
Rohana Ngah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Rozalia Nistor, University Dunarea de Jos, Romania 
Costel Nistor, “Dunărea de Jos” Galaţi, Romania
Nithyaroobini Munian, Multimedia University, Malaysia  
Asem Omari, Hail University, Saudi Arabia
Mihai Orzan, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
M-Said Oukil, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Ridha Ouni, University of Manouba, Tunisia
Rajiv Pandey, Amity University, India   
Fotini Patsioura, University of Macedonia, Greece 
Jean-Luc Pillet, University of Geneva, Switzerland Excellent Constructive Review
Maurizio Pighin, Universita' degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Zijad Pita, RMIT University, Australia 
Adina Simona Popa, "Eftimie Murgu" University of Resita, Romania  
Jeong  Chun  Phuoc, Multimedia University Malaysia, Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review
Ana-Maria Preda, Romanian-American University, Romania   
Pietro Previtali, University of Pavia, Italy
Jyothsna_Priyadarsini.K, Icfai, India
Katja Harej Pulko, University of Maribor, Slovenia Excellent Constructive Review
Adnan Qureshi, University of Jinan, P. R. China
Gita Radhakrishna, Multimedia University, Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review 
Nicoleta Radneantu, Romanian-American University, Romania 
T. Ramayah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Lavanya Vedagiri Rao, Meenakshi College For Women, Chennai, India
Lova Rajaobelina, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada 
N.Meera Raghavendra Rao, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, India
Saida Rave-Habhab, ESC Pau, France Excellent Constructive Review 
Razvan Stefanescu, “Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Romania
Hugo Rehesaar, Griffith University, Australia
Paolo Renna, University of Basilicata, Italy
Jia Rong, Deakin University, Australia
Tomislav Rozman, BICERO, Business Informatics Center Rozman Ltd., Slovenia
Yves Roy, IAE Poitiers, France
Fjodor Ruzic, Institute for Informatics, Croatia
Juhana Salim, Inoversti Kebnagsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Mohammed Samaka, Qatar University, Qatar
Mdyazid Saman, Univ Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
Lim Ying San, Multimedia University, Malaysia
A.Solucis Santhapparja, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Sassi Najla, Sfax University, Tunisia
Jawahitha Sarabdeen, University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE  
Saqib Ali, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Saqib Saeed, University of Siegen, Germany
Sedes, University of Toulouse, France
Marcus Seifert, Bremen / Univ. of applied Sciences Münster, Germany
Violeta Sima, Petroleum–Gas University Of Ploiesti, Romania
Nicoleta Sirghi, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Alan Sixsmith, University of Technology, Australia  
Francesca Sgobbi, University of Brescia, Italy
Mahdi Sharifi, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Utm), Malaysia Excellent Constructive Review 
Mathew Shafaghi, Bolton University, UK 
Khurram Shahzad, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Nermeen Fathy Shehata, The American University in Cairo, Egypt Excellent Constructive Review
Petr Sodomka,  Brno University of Technology, Czech
Tariq Rahim Soomro, Al-Ain University of Science & Technology, UAE    
Anongnart Srivihok, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Suresh Subramoniam, Kerala University, India
Subhacini Subramaniam, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Geerish Suddul, University of Technology, Mauritius  
Norazah Mohd Suki, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Syahida Hassan, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Nouha Taifi, University of Salento, Italy, Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs, University Mohammed V, Morocco
Hamed Taherdoost, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Choo-Kim Tan, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Seethaletchumy Thambiah, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Shiv Tripathi, Mzumbe University, Tanzania Excellent Constructive Review
Syaifudin, Trisakti University, Indonesia  
Arzu Tektas, Bogazici University, Turkey  
Pekka Tervonen, University of Oulu, Finland
Nestor Michael C. Tiglao, University of the Philippines, Philippines Excellent Constructive Review
Zulkifli Mohamed Udin, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia 
Vivek Uprit, anghvi Institute RGPV University Indore, India  
Andrei Jean Vasile, Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania Excellent Constructive Review
Laura Giurca Vasilescu, University of Craiova,Romania
Giovanni Vincenti, Towson University, USA 
Mihail Vincentiu Ivan, Oil and Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Economics, Romania
Stoica Virgil, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Maro Vlavhopoulou, University of Macedonia, Greece Excellent Constructive Review
Huy Quan Vu, Deakin University, Australia
Charles van der Vyver, North-West University Vaal Triangle Campus, South Africa
Nubli Wahab, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia  
Wilfred S. Manuela Jr., Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines  Excellent Constructive Review
A.S.White, Middlesex university, UK
Peter Woods, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Omneya Mokhtar Yacout, Alexandria University, Egypt
Jamaiah Haji Yahaya, Northern University of Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia     
Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia  
Goh Choon Yih, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Wendy Teoh Ming Yen, Multimedia University, Malaysia  
Abdelnaser Zayyat, ASU, Jordan
Rami Zeitun, Qatar University, Qatar  
Mohamed Zineddine, ALHOSN, UAE
Tao Zeng, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Lihong Zhou, University of Sheffield, UK  Excellent Constructive Review
Razvan Daniel Zota, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Zugravu Adrian, Dunarea de Jos Galati, Romania


Possible conference topics of interest include Information Management, General Business, Marketing, Human Resources, Economics, and Finance as follow: 

General information Management (business and technical) topics of interest

  • Knowledge Management
  • Social Impact of Technology Development
  • Green IT and Green Organization
  • E- Business and Internet Computing
  • Management of Technology in Education and Businesses
  • Innovation & Technology in New Product/Service Development
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • International Business Strategies and Information Technology
  • E-Government strategies, implementation procedures, and case studies
  • Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization
  • ICT Management
  • Information Systems issues
  • The Integration of Technology & Organizational Strategies
  • R&D Management
  • Project and Program Management
  • Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies
  • Management of Technology in Developing Countries
  • Sustainable Innovation and Competitive Advantage
  • Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources
  • Strategic use of Technology in the Financial Sector
  • Adoption, acceptance, and diffusion of emerging technologies
  • Change management and organizational performance measures
  • Knowledge Engineering and Discovery
  • Information Quality Management
  • Information Quality Metrics and Assessment
  • E-Commerce issues, trends, and case studies
  • E-Learning, e-Training, and e-Teams
  • E-Human Resources
  • M-Commerce business models, applications, and best practices
  • Privacy, security, ethical, and social issues
  • Cyber law, E-commerce Law, and Intellectual property rights
  • Customer relationship management (CRM),
  • Business process re-design (BPR)
  • Total quality management (TQM),Cycle time reduction (CTR)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Enterprise Systems (ERP) and Industry Solutions
  • Strategic Decision Support Systems
  • Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network applications
  • Knowledge-based Systems Engineering
  • Object-Oriented Database Systems
  • Data Warehouses and Data Mining
  • Software engineering of e-business systems
  • Data Mining techniques
  • Knowledge extraction and search

Related Knowledge Management, Knowledge representation and ontologies topics of interest

  • The Knowledge Society and Information Systems
  • Knowledge in the Information Society
  • Knowledge and Ontologies in Information Systems
  • Ontologies and Ontology
  • Information Systems Knowledge Management and Engineering
  • Enterprise Knowledge Management and Engineering
  • All aspects in Ontology Construction, Engineering, Modelling, Learning, Population and Evaluation
  • All aspects Ontology Evolution and Maintenance
  • All aspects in Ontology Adoption, Evaluation and Management
  • Ontology Languages
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Ontology Use in Information Systems
  • Ontology Coupling, Integration and Matching
  • Semantic Web Applications

Related Business and Governance topics of interest 

  • Management Science
  • Human Resource
  • Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Strategic Management
  • Leadership
  • Business Statistics
  • Operations Research
  • Business Intelligence
  • Change Management
  • Communications Management
  • Corporate Governance

Related Human Resources topics of interest

  • New Theoretical Perspectives on Human Resource Management
  • The Changing Role of Human Resource Management
  • Managing Organizational Performance
  • Motivation
  • Recognition & Reward
  • Hiring & Firing
  • Recruitment

Related Marketring topics of interest   

  • Marketing Philosophy
  • The Role of Marketing in Strategic Planning
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Marketing in SME's
  • Public Relations Strategies
  • Market and Industry Stakeholder Needs
  • International Strategies
  • The Development and Utilization of Marketing Plans
  • Online Marketing 
  • Social Networks Marketing
  • Marketing Effectiveness at the Operational and Strategic Levels
  • Brand Management

Related International Business topics of interest   

  • International Strategic Alliances
  • Globalization
  • International Trade and Investment
  • International Management Practices
  • Multinational and Transnational Businesses
  • International Business Strategy
  • Measuring International Business Performance

Related Finance and Economics topics of interest 

  • General Financial Markets
  • Portfolio Choice
  • Asset Pricing
  • Contingent Pricing; Futures Pricing
  • Information and Market Efficiency
  • International Financial Markets
  • Government Policy and Regulation
  • Financial Institutions and Services
  • Banks; Other Depository Institutions
  • Mortgages
  • Insurance; Insurance Companies
  • Pension Funds; Other Private Financial Institutions
  • Investment Banking; Venture Capital; Brokerage
  • Government Policy and Regulation
  • Corporate Finance and Governance
  • Capital Budgeting; Investment Policy
  • Financing Policy; Capital and Ownership Structure
  • Bankruptcy; Liquidation
  • Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance
  • Payout Policy
  • Government Policy and Regulation
  • Regulatory Economics
  • Constitutional Economics
  • Rules & Institutions
  • Industrial organizations
  • Institutional Economics
  • International Economic Order
  • Globalization: General Trade
  • Commercial Policy; Protection; Promotion; Trade Negotiations
  • Country and Industry Studies of Trade
  • Economic Integration
  • Trade and Labor Market Interactions
  • Trade and Environment
  • International Factor Movements and International Business
  • International Investment; Long-Term Capital Movements
  • International Migration

List of Accepted Papers

Special Topics Sessions

The efforts of the Special Topics Sessions' Organizers will be recognized as follows:

  • The registration fee of the session organizer will be waived if at least 4 authors of invited papers register at the conference.
  • Session organizers names will appear on the conference proceedings as Associate Editors

The special topic session is a unique opportunity that brings together researchers and audience from around the world to discuss a specific research question of interest and/or share research efforts with others who have worked in the same area.  These sessions could result in future joint research efforts, co-authorship of journal articles, and/or book publications.  Special topics session are highly beneficial if they are well organized.

You can submit a proposal to organize a special topics sessionworkshop, and/or tutorial.  Proposals to organize a special topic session should include the following information: name and address, e-mail of proposer, title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of the session, and a short description on how the session will be advertised.  Usually, session proposers solicit papers from colleagues and researchers whose work is known to the session proposer.  E-mail proposal to the conference chair. 

Each special topic session will have at least 3 paper. The session chairs will be responsible for all aspects of their sessions; including, soliciting papers, reviewing, selecting, etc.  The review process for invited sessions will strictly follow the review process for regular submission.  Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution.  Each paper will be exposed to a full blind peer review by two reviewers in the topical area.  Final camera-ready papers will be reviewed by one reviewer.    Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. 

Please e-mail confernece Chair with your proposal.  Conference chair e-mail is available on the first page

Appel à communications

Tous les chercheurs, universitaires et praticiens s'intéressant aux thèmes de la conférence sont invités à soumettre leurs communications. Deux types de contributions pourront être présentées:

  • Papiers de recherche en format long: pour les travaux aboutis (5000 mots max) avec la liste complète des références.
  • Papiers en format court : pour les recherches en cours, résumés, idées que vous voudriez discuter avec l'audience à la conférence ou ébauche des papiers pour une éventuelle co-écriture : (5 pages max ou 1000 mots)

Les papiers seront évalués par rapport à leur originalité, leur cohérence, leur clarté et leur contribution scientifique. Chaque papier sera révisé en aveugle à l'aide d'une grille d'évaluation. Les papiers de recherche seront révisés par les membres du comité scientifique. Les papiers en format court seront révisés par l'éditeur. Chaque auteur recevra après la révision de son papier une fiche de synthèse des évaluations. Les commentaires et suggestions de cette révision doivent être prises en compte dans la soumission finale.

Les papiers soumis ne doivent pas avoir été précédemment édités ou actuellement soumis pour publication dans d'autres conférences ou revues.

Les actes de la conférence seront édités sous forme d'un e-book sur un CD (ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5) 

Tous les papiers se rattacheront à l'un des thèmes proposés

Thèmes de la Conférence

Liste non-exhaustive de sujets pouvant être traités:

  • Knowledge Management
  • Impact Social de la technologie
  • E- Business et développement informatique
  • Green IT
  • Management de la technologie pour l’éducation et les affaires 
  • Innovation et technologie pour le développement de nouveaux produits/services
  • Information et petites/moyennes entreprises
  • Stratégies Internationales et technologies de l’information
  • E-Government, implémentation et études de cas
  • Transfert technologique, Marketing et Commercialisation
  • Management des TIC
  • Problématiques des systèmes d’information
  • Intégration de la technologie et stratégies organisationnelles 
  • R&D et management
  • Management de projet et management de programme
  • Technologies des systèmes de production
  • Management de la technologie dans les pays en voie de développement
  • Innovation durable et avantage compétitif 
  • Innovation et management des ressources renouvelables
  • Usage stratégique de la technologie dans le secteur financier 
  • Adoption et diffusion des technologies émergentes
  • Gestion du changement et mesures de la performance organisationnelle
  • Ingénierie de la connaissance
  • Information Quality Management
  • Mesures de la qualité de l’information
  • E-Commerce : tendances et études de cas
  • Réseaux sociaux numériques : management, pratiques et études de cas
  • E-Learning, e-Training et e-Teams
  • M-commerce : modèles d’affaires, applications, “best practices”
  • Vie privée, sécurité, éthique 
  • Customer relationship management (CRM), Business process re-design (BPR)
  • Total quality management (TQM), Cycle time reduction (CTR)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Efficient Resource Planning (ERP) et management industriel
  • Gestion de bases de données 
  • Systèmes d’Aide à la Décision
  • Logique floue et réseaux de neurones (applications)
  • Data Warehouses et Datamining
  • E-business et solutions logicielles
  • Recherche et extraction de la connaissance

Dates Importantes

  • Soumission des papiers : Fermé
  • Notification de l'avis d'acceptation : Après de trois ou quatre semaines de la date de soumission (dans la plupart des cas)
  • 2ème Date limite de soumission des papiers: Fermé

Important Dates

NOTE: If it takes long time to get travel request approved at your university, we recommend that you send your paper the at earliest possible to allow us to receive the manuscript to reviewers and get reviews back in timely fashion.  The review cycle time tends to increase if you submit your paper right on the deadline date due to large number of submissions around deadlines.

  • 2nd Phase Paper Submission: Closed
  • Notification of Acceptance: Within 3-4 week from submission date (in most cases)
  • Abstracts / Short paper submission deadline: 
  • 9 Oct. 2010

The conference is closed 

Conference Program

Sheraton Cairo Hotel is the official location for the 15th IBIMA Conference on  Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective which will be held in Cairo, Egypt 6-7 November 2010.


Conference Proceedings
The 15th IBIMA International conference proceedings include all the papers in the program.   IBIMA Conference proceedings are ISBN and ISI indexed by Thomson Scientific. 


Please note the following conference presentation guidelines:

  • Each presentation has 15 min. followed by  5 min discussion. Session chairs will coordinate presentations in their respective sessions
  • There will be LCD projector available in every session room.  Please prepare your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or 2003.
  • Save your files on a flash (USB) drive and on a CD just in case.  Also, it is highly recommended that you email your presentation to yourself on a web-based client (hotmail, yahoo, etc.) as a backup.  NO Floppy Disks OR Transparencies Please.
  • It would be a good idea to bring your own laptop for your presentation to insure that your paper is presented properly.
  • Every registered participant will be issued a name tag that he/she should wear at all times.  No one without name tag will be allowed into the conference area


Conference Proceedings
The 15th IBIMA International conference proceedings include all the papers in the program below.  IBIMA Conference proceedings are ISBN and ISI indexed by Thomson Scientific. 


Conference Program

Saturday November 6, 2010                              8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Saturday November 6, 2010                              9:00 am – 10:30 am

Session S1.1: Marketing, Commerce, et GRH   
Room I
Session Chair: Jean-Luc MARINI 

Commerce, Transport et Environnement en Tunisie 

Une validation interculturelle d’une échelle de personnalité de la marque

Contexte de programmation télévisuelle et efficacité des annonces destinées aux enfants : rôle de l’appréciation du programme

La "e-génération" en questions

Session S1.2: Green, environmental and global Business Aspects   
Room II
Session Chair: Wan Fadzilah Wan Yusoff

The Price of Being Green: Does It Really Matter?
Wenshin Chen

Water Poverty Mapping and its Management Applications
Charles van der Vyver and Dawid B Jordaan

Supplier Selection in the International Environment with a Comparison of a Turkish and an Australian Company
Arzu Tektas and Aycan Aytekin

Coffee Break                                                     10:30 am – 11:00 am
Sponsored by Future University in Egypt

Saturday November 6, 2010                              11:00 am – 12:15 pm

Session S2.1: Software Development and Performance Measurement
Room I
Session Chair: Charles van der Vyver

The BONSAI approach How Small-Medium Enterprises improve their Software Development Processes
Diego Bruno

The Advent of GPU Ray Tracers
Kroeze, JCW, Jordaan, DB, and Pretorius, P.

Benchmarking for Ray Tracing Performance Measurement
Kroeze, JCW, Jordaan, DB, and  Pretorius,P.

Session S2.1: E-Learning and ICT in Academia
Room II
Session Chair: Zainal Arifin Hasibuan 

Perceptions of Quality Learning Environments at Private Higher Learning Institutions: The Educators’ Perspective
Wan Fadzilah Wan Yusoff  and Sabarudin Zakaria

Students' Perception and Readiness Toward E-Learning Adoption In Higher Education: The Case of Egypt
Sarah El Gamal and Rasha Abd EL Aziz

Enhancing Learning Experiences with Mobile Technology
Wenshin Chen, Venugopal Balijepally, and Peter Sutanto

User Perception towards Mobile Learning and the Cultural Aspects that Affect its Adoption: The Case of Egypt
RashaAbd El Aziz and Rehab El Badrawy

Saturday November 6, 2010                              12:15 pm – 1:00 pm

Session S3.1:  Keynote Speech Session           Room I
Session Chair: Khalid S. Soliman
Topic: Open Access Publishing: Future Direction

Conference Lunch                                           1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Saturday November 6, 2010                              2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Session S3.1: Management de l’innovation et Management d’information
Room I
Session Chair: Az-Eddine BENNANI

Un modèle CIM pour les systèmes d’information sécurisés 
Nadira LAMMARI, Jean-Sylvain BUCUMI, Jacky AKOKA, et Isabelle WATTIAU 

Management de l’innovation et management des connaissances: quelle relation pour une entreprise apprenante?

Extension multiniveau de corpus applicatif

Proposition d'un système d'aide à la recherche d'information par sérendipité et capitalisation d'expériences dans le domaine de la Gestion Electronique de Documents
Jean-Luc MARINI ,Laïd BOUZIDI , et  Sabrina BOULESNANE

Session S3.2: Enterprise Resource Planning
Room II
Session Chair: Wenshin Chen 

The Usage of EDI in UAE: Empirical Evidence
Yousef Shahwan

The Effect of Implementing ERP Systems on Business Performance: An Exploratory Case-Study
Ahmed A. Elragal and Ayman M. Al-Serafi

Strategical and Tactical Impact on ERP Implementation: Case Study on ERP Implementation in Indonesia
Gede Rasben Dantes and Zainal Arifin Hasibuan

Coffee Break                                                   3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Saturday November 6, 2010                            4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Session S4.1: IT Governance and SOA
Room I
Session Chair: Diego Bruno 

A Model for the Development of ICT Service Agreements
Rob Johnston, David Sewry, and Robert Benyon

Value Trees usefulness in assessment of Enterprise Architectures value
Luis Silva Rodrigues and Luis Amaral

Extending SOA to Cloud Computing In Higher Education
Marinela Mircea and Anca Ioana Andreescu

Managing the IT service level in large organizations: reference framework and a survey of actual practices
Gianmario Motta, Thiago Barroero, Filippo Galvani, and Antonella Longo

Session S4.2: IT Adoption and Intellectual Capital
Room II
Session Chair: Zaigham Mahmood

Review of ten years relevance of Technology Acceptance Model in healthcare context 
Az-Eddine BENNANI and Rachid OUMLIL

Barriers to the Adoption of Mobile Data Services in South Africa
Hiranjali Ramburn and Jean-Paul Van Belle

Intellectual Capital and Radicalness of Innovation: Direct and Moderating Effects
Gregorio Martín-de-Castro, Miriam Delgado-Verde, José Emilio Navas-López, and Jorge Cruz-González

The Role and Value Added by ICTs in South African SMEs
Reza Ismail, Robyne Jeffery, Anjali Ramburn, and Jean-Paul Van Belle

Factors influencing the adoption of e-Services in Indonesian Airlines: A Field Study Approach
Dekar Urumsah, Mohammed Quaddus, and Jeremy Galbreath 

Assessing Knowledge Assets in Professional Service Firms: Proposing A Model of Intellectual Capital
Elsa Mercedes Alama-Salazar, Gregorio Martín-de-Castro,  José Emilio Navas-López, and Pedro López-Sáez


End of First Day Activities


Sunday November 7, 2010                              8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Sunday November 7, 2010                              9:00 am – 10:30 am

Session Su1.1: Accounting and Banking  
Room I
Session Chair: Alena Kocmanová   

Offshore Outsourcing in the Accounting Industry: Drivers, Concerns and Perceptions
Ramesh Mohan and Ryan P. Daley

The Efficacy of Egyptian Monetary Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis
Monal Abdel-Baki

Financial Performance of Selected Firms in the Czech Republic
Chandrapala Pathirawasam, Adriana Knápková, and Eva Kramná

An Innovation of Toy Car Based on Target Costing
Josef Dvorak and Martin Kopecky

An Appraisal of Egyptian Banking Reforms Amidst the Global Financial Crisis
Monal Abdel-Baki

Session Su1.2: Quality & Process Management  
Room II
Session Chair: Ileanu Gabriela Niculescu-Aron 

Product Life Cycle in Digital factory
Ondrej Kurkin and Martin Januška

Towards a Comprehensive Design-time Compliance Management: A Roadmap
Amal Elgammal, Oktay Turetken, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, and Mike Papazoglou

Non-parametric Performance Evaluation of Container Ports
Susila Munisamy and Wang Danxia

Classification of Researches and Evolving a Consolidating Typology of Management Studies
Malek Elahi and Seyyd AbdolMajid Shoja

Coffee Break                                                  10:30 am – 11:00 am
Sponsored by American University in Cairo

Sunday November 7, 2010                              11:00 am – 12:15 pm

Session Su2.1: Economic Research & Development and Social Issues
Room I
Session Chair:  Liliana Mihaela Moga

GCC Economic Integration in the World Economy and it’s Role in the Current Economic Crisis
Noura Abdel Maksoud Eissa

Impact of economic, social and environmental efficiency of sustainable development in the Czech Republic
Alena Kocmanová, Jana Hornungová, and Markéta Klímková

Romanian ICT based companies’ bankruptcy analysis through econometric modeling
Miruna Mazurencu Marinescu and Ileanu Gabriela Niculescu-Aron 

Session Su2.2: Knowledge Management
Room II
Session Chair: Susila Munisamy 

Interrogative Knowledge Organization and Structuring From Unstructured Documents
Fatimah Sidi and Marzanah A. Jabar

Egypt’s ICT Indicators Initiative: An Egyptian Knowledge Management Experience
Nagwa Ibrahim El Shenawy and Heba Ahmed Youssef

Automated User and Competencies Profiling from Tacit Knowledge in Knowledge Management
Marzanah A. Jabar and Fatimah Sidi

Sunday November 7, 2010                              12:15 pm – 1:00 pm

Session Su3.1:  Keynote Speech Session           Room I

Keynote Speaker

Taha Khalifa

Intel Manager, Egypt

(Brief biography about the keynote speaker is at the bottom of this page)

Conference Lunch                                           1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Sunday November 7, 2010                               2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Session Su3.1: E-banking and E-Government
Room I
Session Chair:  Ahmad Ghoneim

Classical Theories-based Approach on Incentive Factors for Internet Banking Adoption
Nicoleta Barbuta-Misu, Radu Ilie Stroe, and Liliana Mihaela Moga

Application of Theory of Diffusion of Innovation to E-Government Development and Implementation
Racious Moilamashi Moatshe and Zaigham Mahmood

A Transdisciplinary Approach to Large Scale E-government Projects: Preventing Damaging Environmental Influences on Public Health
Inas Ezz and Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou

SDEAT: A Six Dimensional E-Readiness Assessment Tool for E-Government Projects
Racious Moilamashi Moatshe, Zaigham Mahmood and Nikolaos Antonopoulos

Evolution of modern payment systems in Romania in the context of the European Integration
Liliana Mihaela Moga and Mihaela Neculita

Session Su3.2: Humanities and Social Aspect of ICT
Room II
Session Chair: Luboš Popelínský

The social impact of technological development
Kateřina Sekulová and Michal Šimon

Regional particularities of ICT in Romania
Ileana Gabriela Niculescu-Aron and Miruna Mazurencu Marinescu

An exploratory study on cultural changes in UAE
Hassan Younies, Yacoub Hamdan, and Tamer ElTouni

A Proposed Model for Understanding the Psycho-social Influences and Negative Outcomes of PIU and MMORPG Addiction 
Shumaila Yousafzai, Uzma Javed, Mirella Yani-de-Soriano

Coffee Break                                                   3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Sunday November 7, 2010                              4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Session Su4.1: Data Mining and Document classification
Room I
Session Chair: Filippo Galvani

Towards Detection of Anomalies in Building Management Data 
Luboš Popelínský and Petr Glos

Using Semantic Network for Webpage Classification
Lamiaa Mostafa

Classification of Enterprise Portals: a data mining approach
Ahmed A. Elragal and Heba George Abouseif

The Automated Arabic Text Categorization Using SVM and KNN
Wa'el Musa Hadi, Mohammad Ali H. Eljinini, and Samer Alhawari

Session Su4.2: Management of Innovation and  Corporate Performance measurement
Room II
Session Chair: Ramesh Mohan 

A Framework for Measuring the Management of Innovation
 Nader Nada, Mohamed Kholeif, and Ahmed Elbadawy

Possibilities for the utilization of concepts BSC and EVA for measuring and managing performance with the support of benchmarking
Adriana Knápková, Drahomíra Pavelková, and Eva Jirčíková

The Greek patterns of innovation and knowledge creation
Maria Markatou

The increasing complexity of IS cost Identification and Management in the context of open innovation
Ahmad Ghoneim and Inas Ezz

Innovation and International Competitiveness of Firms
Madan Annavarjula, Anup M. Nandialath, and Ramesh Mohan


End of Conference Activities


Keynote Speaker

Taha Khalifa

Intel Manager, Egypt

Eng. Taha Khalifa is currently Intel Egypt's Country Manager; prior to that Eng. Khalifa was the director of Intel’s World Ahead Program in the META region - responsible for driving Intel’s World Ahead vision in the education, Telco, Digital Health, and Accessibility sectors. He has been working for Intel for over 15 years and was recently responsible for driving Intel’s expansion plans in Africa and evangelizing the Telco strategy in the region focusing on increasing broadband penetration and creating strategic engagements with regional mobile operators.

Prior to this role, Eng. Khalifa acted as the lead business development manager in the Telecommunication industry in EMEA Emerging Markets, focusing on building Intel’s plans and engagements with key service providers.

Eng. Khalifa joined Intel in 1995 and has spent 11 years with Intel US where he assumed several senior engineering, marketing, and management positions. Prior to his move to the Middle East, he held the position of Senior Strategic Planning Manager for Intel‘s Wireless business.

From 1999 to 2003, Eng. Khalifa was the chief architect and manager of a world-wide validation engineering team responsible for developing Intel’s multi-core architecture validation tools, where he received several Intel’s recognition awards.

Eng. Khalifa received his Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt in 1991. His Masters degree is in Computer Science from Dundee University, UK and his MBA degree in 2005 from Arizona State University (ASU), USA.

Conference Closed